Noob question about EQ & 16Khz

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Noob question about EQ & 16Khz

Postby stuartiannaylor » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:40 am

Apols I am a noob but just wondering why is it not possible to add 16Khz to the supported sample rates?

I thought it might be code 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz but 48000 Hz seems suggest other bit rates could be.

I want to resample a 48Khz stereo stream down 16Khz mono and at first glance I am thinking I will have to run it through my EQ first and then downsample which at first glance would seem to cause a lot of unessacary load?

I will have apologise as I am a total noob and also is 16Khz not a common request?

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