Hi people,
I tried to flash the program bare ESP32 but failed.
After that, I tried to flash the ESP32 DOIT kit but the same problems occurred like bare ESP32.
I am using the doit kit's TX0, RX0 pins. I connect these pins to MAX3232 and I saw data on the serial monitor via rs232/usb converter. So everything works fine.
Then I push the "Boot" button and "EN" button same time and release the EN button. When I did that, I saw "waiting for download" but not the right shape. Most of the time I am reading "waiing for ownload" or this kind of corrupted data. After I saw that print, I tried to flash the program but it always failed.
I would be grateful to someone to help me with that.
Flashing Bare Esp32 WROOM
Re: Flashing Bare Esp32 WROOM
The correct way is push "Boot" and "EN" buttons at same time then release "EN" button, then wait about 0.25 sec and release "Boot" button.Then I push the "Boot" button and "EN" button same time and release the EN button.
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