ESP32-WROOM32 module VDD range

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Joined: Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:49 pm

ESP32-WROOM32 module VDD range

Postby thedude » Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:03 pm


I was wondering if there is a good reason the WROOM modules specify a power supply voltage range of 3.0-3.6V instead of the 2.3-3.6 specified for the bare ESP32.

Looking at the schematic of the internals of the module (page 13 here: ... eet_en.pdf) it looks like there is nothing there that would require that.

I also noticed in the revision history of the wroom module datasheet that the VDD range was changed from 2.7-3.6 to 3.0-3.6 so something must be going on?

Trying to save a bit of power and want to run off a buck from a single cell down to 3V so I ideally I would like to run the ESP on 2.5V!

Thanks for all help :-)

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Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:18 pm

Re: ESP32-WROOM32 module VDD range

Postby becorey » Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:09 pm

You could use a buck-boost to output a more reliable 3.3V from a single cell. I've had success with TI TPS63001 ... 28060.html

The note under Figure 6: Reset Circuit says:
When battery is used as the power supply for ESP32 series of chips and modules, a supply voltage supervisor is recommended to avoid boot failure due to low voltage. Users are recommended to pull CHIP_PU low if the power supply for ESP32 is below 2.3 V

So they are recommending to definitely shut down at 2.3V. Seems risky to try to run at 2.5V or 2.7V.

The update came in the most recent revision 2019.09 V2.9 so I would suppose they discovered something that required bumping it up from 2.7V to 3.0V. I would try to follow their spec and keep it at 3.0V minimum. Otherwise you're likely to hit issues with the brown-out detector, especially if you use wifi or other large current draws that can dip the supply voltage.
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Screenshot 2020-11-11 150002.png (79.02 KiB) Viewed 3239 times

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