I recently bought an ESP-WROOM-32 module that sits on a developer board that can also hold a battery (see pictures and this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3304624 ... 4c4dIUX6jB)
I've downloaded and installed Arduino IDE in order to upload code to the device.
I use the following settings:
- Board: Wemos WiFi&Bluetooth Battery
- Upload speed: 921600
- Port: COM3
Troubleshooting so far
- A search on tells me that I should hold the 'BOOT' button until the IDE shows the message 'Connecting....' but that doesn't do the trick for me. I followed the procedure that is shown here: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/solved- ... et-header/
- I've checked in device manager and there it shows: 'Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)' I tried to delete the device from the list, restart the computer, make it install again but with no success.
- Restarted the computer with the device in the USB, restarted the computer without the device in the computer... no success
- Tried 3 different USB ports
- Tried 2 different cables
- Tried two different development boards (same model)
Thanks a lot