wifi error code

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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:34 am

wifi error code

Postby imtiaz » Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:30 am


W (415690) wifi: pp task q full: s=11 p=3ffd2830.

Any idea what this means?


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Re: wifi error code

Postby ESP_Angus » Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:18 am

It means the pp task (which processes WiFi) has overloaded one of its internal queues. Something else is not getting the opportunity to run and consume this data at a fast enough rate to maintain the WiFi functionality.

This is probably because another task is monopolising CPU at a high priority, and preventing regular processing of WiFi data.

The priorities of the internal WiFi tasks are given in esp_task.h. They are all (ESP_TASK_PRIO_MAX - 3) or higher (22 or higher). If you have any tasks running at these priorities, either drop the priority or refactor them so they can spend longer periods blocked or asleep.

It's also possible this is caused by the TCP/IP stack task being starved out (prioritiy also given in esp_task.h at (ESP_TASK_PRIO_MAX - 7) ie 18. Although I think this is less likely.

Also check the Interrupt Watchdog is still enabled (it's enabled as default), as this will warn you if either CPU spends too much time with interrupts disabled.


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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:34 am

Re: wifi error code

Postby imtiaz » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:01 pm

Thanks Angus,

Since I enabled Bluetooth I have been having unreliable OTA over wifi. I noticed that ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_PRIO is set to #define ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_PRIO (ESP_TASK_PRIO_MAX - 1), which is vey high.

Sometimes the socket communication just hangs , other times it crashes half way , other times it crashes before starting. All kinds of failures so hard to pin down the cause of it.

I have a suspicion that it is something to do with writing to Flash in the OTA routines

any pointers on how to debug this issue would be highly appreciated.


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