BLE Frequency Hopping

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Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:27 pm

BLE Frequency Hopping

Postby Utkarash » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:47 am

Hello All,

I have just installed esp-idf tool chain I have TTGO T-Call ESP32 board with me and i am interested in working with BLE part of the respective board.

I have also tried running the basic BLE examples on the board and was able to run them successfully.

As per my understanding the frequency hopping in BLE is internally handled.

However i want to implement a basic code where frequency hopping is controlled by user, so i need assistance with the same

So my query was is it possible to implement frequency hopping with esp32-idf tool chain.

If yes i request you to please help with steps to be followed to implement the user controlled frequency hopping.

I request you to please help me at the earliest.

Thanks and regards

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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:26 am

Re: BLE Frequency Hopping

Postby Wangcheng » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:03 am

Utkarash wrote:
Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:47 am
Hello All,

I have just installed esp-idf tool chain I have TTGO T-Call ESP32 board with me and i am interested in working with BLE part of the respective board.

I have also tried running the basic BLE examples on the board and was able to run them successfully.

As per my understanding the frequency hopping in BLE is internally handled.

However i want to implement a basic code where frequency hopping is controlled by user, so i need assistance with the same

So my query was is it possible to implement frequency hopping with esp32-idf tool chain.

If yes i request you to please help with steps to be followed to implement the user controlled frequency hopping.

I request you to please help me at the earliest.

Thanks and regards
After the device is connected, the user can specify which channels are used for the current connection on the master side.

The frequency hopping behavior on the channel cannot be interfered by the user.

Can you describe the requirements in more detail.

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:27 pm

Re: BLE Frequency Hopping

Postby Utkarash » Thu Jul 23, 2020 7:05 am

Hello Wangcheng,

Thank you for your response,
After the device is connected, the user can specify which channels are used for the current connection on the master side.
- Can you please help with details with regards to this, That is can you please help me with any document/steps to be followed where i can select a specific channel while connection at master side.

- In my application i also want to update the raw data packet where i want to share few bytes of data in this packet which would be collected by another device which would be in scanning mode, so with reference to this i would like to know when device is advertising does these channels come into picture that is can i specify any specific channels while device is advertising
Can you describe the requirements in more detail.
As explained earlier my whole aim is to design a application which exchanges data through raw packets using BLE broadcasting and scanning method. As per my knowledge BLE Broadcasts advertising packets on 3 Separate channnels (frequencies) (mostly channel number 37, 38, 39). So now i want know whether is it possible to select any of these 3 channels while brodcasting as well as while scanning and receiving advertising packets.

Please help me if posible at the earliest

Thank you for your Suggestions

Thanks and Regards

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