Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

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Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby Ritesh » Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:43 pm


We are planning to use GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD into one of our ESP32 based project over SPI Interface.

We have initially checked ILI LCDs which are working fine but need to move into E-Paper LCD due to battery power usage.

Plesee let me know if anyone has ported any example based on that.
Ritesh Prajapati

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Re: Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby TeeVee » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:48 pm

We are also looking for a genuine ESP-IDE (CMAKE) solution for driving e-Paper displays.

There are some test programs here: ... ces/epaper
however we cannot compile with latest CMAKE build system on IDE revision 4.

An y idea if this will be fuixed in near future?


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Re: Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby gpteacher » Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:08 pm

I was having problems with the Black and White 1.54" epaper modules under GxEPD2 library. When I updated my library to version 1.2.6, there was a NEW 1.54"BW epaper display descriptor

GxEPD2_BW<GxEPD2_154_D67, GxEPD2_154_D67::HEIGHT> display(GxEPD2_154_D67(/*CS=5*/ SS, /*DC=*/ 22, /*RST=*/ 21, /*BUSY=*/ 4)); // GDEH0154D67

The modified pin definitions in the statement above work for my ESP32 Wroom2s Dev Board

In the latest version of GxEPD2, the original 1.54 B/W ESP32 display descriptor now has a //no longer supported comment
after it
and the one above is specified as a replacement. I put in the pin settings to suit the dev board.

Good luck!


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Re: Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby TeeVee » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:25 am

@gpteacher - thanx for your input however I assume your are referring to Arduino GxEPD2 library. We are however looking for a genuine ESP32 library / examples for e-paper display to be built with CMAKE Espressif system

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Re: Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby fasani » Thu May 07, 2020 2:36 pm

I started some months ago with IDF also. So I consider myself an ESP-IDF newbie still...

Is there any special class to be used on ESP-IDF for epaper / eink displays? I've searched and found only one project:

But it seems abandoned, last update was 3 years ago, and I could not compile it like it is now.

I started a GxEPD fork to make an IDF version but is a lot of work, since it also uses Adafruit GFX fonts, and is heavily dependant on espressif32-arduino SPI class. So I need to think if it's not better to start from zero using it as an example, than making the wheel again, apart of that I don't have at home such a variety of Epaper to test all the classes.

Anyone can provide some pointers on what's the best way to go here?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Any reference example for GDEW0154T8 E-Paper LCD with ESP32 IDF

Postby fasani » Mon May 25, 2020 12:10 pm

I wanted to announce that I'm working in a new EPD library similar (And inspired in GxEPD user-friendly approach) but without Arduino-framework dependencies.

Only some classes like Print that are at the moment used by Adafruit-GFX and I don't know or have not the right know-how yet on how to change them.

EPD will extend: ... ry-ESP-IDF - check README (And if you want to join or make it better just make a pull-request)

And there is already a working version example for a Waveshare 2.13 display: - branch: epaper-io

Now of course this is just a demo and needs the proper C++ OOP structure, that will still need more weeks, but the idea is simply that this:

Epd abstract Class -> Implement Adafruit GFX -> extends (Print :( this is the not-so-nice part)
And then every display Model extends that base abstract
class EPDMODELX : public Epd {}

So it's a similar concept as GxEPD but without the Arduino part and only for IDF. I hope it sparks some interest since I would really need more testers since I do not have all eink models in the market :)
And also my C++ OOP is limited since I still consider myself a beginner after almost 2 years coding. That said, this is a great challenge, that I humbly accept as this year goal working with ESP32 / ESP32S2 system on a Chip boards.
epdiy collaborator | Fan of Espressif MCUs and electronic design

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