Running a Bipolar Stepper Motor - which Motor Controller(s) to use?

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Running a Bipolar Stepper Motor - which Motor Controller(s) to use?

Postby Munque » Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:39 am

I'm working with stepper motors for the first time, trying to work through two different configurations.

CONFIG 1 - Built and testing
Stepper: Nema 17, BiPolar, .13Nm, 1A, 3.5Ω, 200steps/rev
Controller: L293D H-Bridge
Controller Code: <Stepper.h> for Arduino, using myStepper.step(1); and myStepper.step(-1);

Currently powering the motor with 5VDC and for the most part it's working.
The only issue: After a few minutes of testing the motor begins to vibrate when not being stepped.
I'm assuming it's the fact of using the L293D, rated at 600mA, getting hit too hard at 5VDC?

Question 1: Are there other reasons a stepper motor would vibrate when when it's powered but not being stepped?

Question 2: I understand the above motor can be driven with considerably higher voltage, even up to 12VDC for faster and stronger performance. Did I get that correct?

Question 3: At the higher voltage what motor controller to use? I'm assuming an A4988 (rated 35V and ± 1.2A) would be sufficient?

CONFIG 2 - Not yet built
Stepper: Nema 23, BiPolar, 1.9Nm, 3A, 1.12Ω, 200steps/rev

This would be turning a window shade that needs more than 15lbs of force to turn.

Question 4: Here I'm imagining the the A4988 would be insufficient, and am looking at an L298N. Does that seem correct? Something else?

Question 5: What voltage would be needed here? I'm assuming 3.4VDC minimum up to 24VDC again?

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