Is the temperature of the esp32 normal?

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Joined: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:06 pm

Re: Is the temperature of the esp32 normal?

Postby johnabel » Sun May 28, 2017 6:29 pm

Smartisan wrote:Maybe sounds a little crazy,but the temperature is terrible.We use the esp32 in a little size,so the layout size is limited.Could you please give me some good suggestion to reduce the current or the power waste? Isn't the esp32 Ultra-low power consumption?
If you check the datasheet, the maximum current when transmitting at max power is 225 mA , so 3/4 W power. Quite a lot. Even receiving it's 80 mA (1/4 W - I wouldn't call that 'ultra low power')
One thing is to reduce power, other is to reduce temperature. For minimum power, have the minimum tx and rx time. Keep it in reset or sleep (if there is such mode).
To reduce temperature, have a generous ground plane on the bottom pad with plenty of vias to a bigger ground plane on internal planes or bottom side.
For hand soldering I'd suggest some large vias (0.8 - 1 mm ID) that solder can flow through.
Thermal design is a discipline in itself. Not all boards and designers have robustness and reliability in mind. It seems you plan to stream video so I'm assuming long tx times, then high power. What you need is a thermally good design.

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Re: Is the temperature of the esp32 normal?

Postby Smartisan » Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:35 am

Thank you very much,because i have been on my holiday so i saw the message you post yet now.As well as you konw we transmit the video stream by working on a camera sensor so the there maybe a long tx time, to be sad the power is a little high.Do you have any good
suggestion to reduce the tx time,can we swithc it on reset or sleep? The product is so small that we can't have enough space to change the layout,but we will try my best to get a generous ground plane on the bottom pad with plenty of vias to a bigger ground on internal planes or bottom side and then allow that you said.
The temperature of the esp32 will influence the tranmit video stream so we must solve the problem. :D :D :D
I think if the power can get low maybe many problem can be solved easily :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posts: 46
Joined: Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:06 pm

Re: Is the temperature of the esp32 normal?

Postby johnabel » Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:50 pm

Smartisan wrote:Thank you very much,because i have been on my holiday so i saw the message you post yet now.As well as you konw we transmit the video stream by working on a camera sensor so the there maybe a long tx time, to be sad the power is a little high.Do you have any good
suggestion to reduce the tx time,can we swithc it on reset or sleep? The product is so small that we can't have enough space to change the layout,but we will try my best to get a generous ground plane on the bottom pad with plenty of vias to a bigger ground on internal planes or bottom side and then allow that you said.
The temperature of the esp32 will influence the tranmit video stream so we must solve the problem. :D :D :D
I think if the power can get low maybe many problem can be solved easily :lol: :lol: :lol:
Internal planes spread the heat but to go to the outside, planes at the outer layers are eventually needed. If the assembly goes into a closed box, this may not work at all and some kind of contact with the (metal) enclosure may be needed. Another approach could be attaching a heatsink to the module's metal box but I don't think is well coupled thermally to the silicon.

Hasan Shadi
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:26 pm

Re: Is the temperature of the esp32 normal?

Postby Hasan Shadi » Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:36 pm

You could buy a heatsink from an online store. A heatsink lowers the temperature very perfectly using the "convection". And you might put a small fan above the heatsink which will increase its efficiency, most of them can be powered by 5 volts. An example of a heatsink like:
The more plates it has,the better cooling you will get. Of course, choose the needed size.

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