Help needed for GPIO pins allocations for I2S and UART

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Help needed for GPIO pins allocations for I2S and UART

Postby michcfr » Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:32 am


Can please suggest me the GPIO numbers I can allocate to I2S/DIN and UART/TXD pins, knowing that the only remaining available ESP32 pins on my schematics are:
GIO36 (input only pin)
GIO39 (input only pin)
GIO34 (input only pin)

For information the current pin allocations are:
-I2S: MCLK (GPIO0), SDOUT (GPIO35-works with input only pin), LRCLK (GPIO25), SCLK (GPIO12)
-UART: RXD (SD2/GPIO9). For TXD, SD3/GPIO10 is leaved free since it is needed to connect to external PSRAM

Thank you

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Re: Help needed for GPIO pins allocations for I2S and UART

Postby michcfr » Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:09 pm

a little up for myself :-)
Thank you

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Re: Help needed for GPIO pins allocations for I2S and UART

Postby ExtrasensoryNoob » Tue May 16, 2023 5:05 am

Did you ever figure this out? I'd like to know if GPI 39 (input only) will work. That pin doesn't have an internal pullup.

I found this post saying with an external DAC any ESP32 pin can be used for any I2S signal. That sounds good, but how is it possible for the 4 GPI pins? Don't they need to output?

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