I'm currently working in a project that involves using a dimmer, and to do so I have to precisely count a time period after an external interrupt caused by the main voltage frequency, (60 Hz * 2) got trigered.
I'm currently using the TIMER_0 of the TIMER_GROUP_0, since I noticed that the High Resolution Timer is less precise, don't know why... And that is working fine.
But when I'm also connected to the wifi and the wifi fail, and so, has to automatically reconnect through an event group, the esp32 crashes, with the following message:
.Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Cache disabled but cached memory region accessed)
My guess is that other resources sharing the same Timer is causing the issue, and maybe putting the wifi task on another core can solve this...
But what I would like to know is which other resources use these timers? I've seen some people talking about timer priorities and levels which aparently can be set through the menuconfig... Where can I get some solid documentations about such things?