ESP32 Choices For Production

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ESP32 Choices For Production

Postby louislewis2 » Wed Dec 25, 2019 9:58 am

Hi guys,

I hope someone could possibly assist. I have been doing some designs based on ESP32 dev kits, mainly the DOIT ESP32 DevKit V1.
I am now at the point where I would like to make a small production run. I have done my designs on EasyEDA. I would like to now instead of using the module mentioned above, use a chip only i.e ESP32-DOWD.

An issue I have encountered, is when trying to select the correct chip, I cannot seem to find the correct part to order, then once found would like to find the correct reference design. If it is possible, I would like to aim for a chip which allows for at least 8mb of flash, 16mb would be first prize. Could someone possibly provide some insight on this?

Secondly, I am using EasyEDA, and would like to use their "built-in" service through JLCPCB to have both, the boards created as well as populated. In their library I cannot make out which is the correct ESP32 to use. If someone has perhaps used this service with a project using the ESP32 and can help guide me here, that would be greatly appreciated.

This is my first time moving from playing around with development kits to doing a small production run. Any valuable insights you may help and guidance would also be greatly appreciated.

PS: Merry Christmas for those celebrating


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Re: ESP32 Choices For Production

Postby ESP_Alvin » Thu Dec 26, 2019 1:57 am

Hi louislewis2,
An issue I have encountered, is when trying to select the correct chip, I cannot seem to find the correct part to order, then once found would like to find the correct reference design. If it is possible, I would like to aim for a chip which allows for at least 8mb of flash, 16mb would be first prize. Could someone possibly provide some insight on this?
For the reference design, you could help check in the link if any file would help.

Also you could refer the espressif_products_ordering_information.

Hope these information would help. Thanks.


Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:28 pm

Re: ESP32 Choices For Production

Postby louislewis2 » Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:55 pm

Hi Alvin,

Thank you for your reply. From the link you sent, I viewed this one 'ESP32-WROVER-V4 Reference Design r2.1'
I can see that one is a standalone chip, that has psram and flash, which already gets me closer. I do see that
some documentation says I can only use the `ESP-PSRAM32` chip for ram, is this correct, because I see there is a `ESP-PSRAM64` available.

Then for flash, where can I find a list of chip options?
As I mentioned I would like to have between 8 and 16mb. Based on the schematic in the reference design above, would any
of the flash chips you could recommend, use the same connections as per the diagram?

Another question, my code base is is written on the arduino version using PlatforIO. Would the above chip options just work?

Lastly for now, in the bill of materials file, I see items 9, 10 and 13 are marked in red, stating value may vary on different pcb, what must I be on the lookout for here?

Pardon all the questions, just quite a lot to digest moving from dev boards to production.



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