i2s parallel "PLL_D2_CLK" problem

Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

i2s parallel "PLL_D2_CLK" problem

Postby Baldhead » Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:06 am


I created the function below to set the i2s clock frequency.

I am using the example "https://github.com/espressif/esp-iot-so ... /i2s_lcd.c".

If i send a 1000 bytes of a test buffer this happens:
*Using "PLL_D2_CLK".
With 20Mhz only send 8 bytes on clock and stop. Data appear to output all without clock.
With 10Mhz only send first time the 1000 bytes buffer size and stop.
With 5Mhz works.

*Using "APLL_CLK" ( another function similar that )
With 10MHz works Ok, but data line seems to take 10us after clock stop to enter in "idle state".

esp32: 240 Mhz clock.

Code: Select all

*    @brief    Set WR# frequency by setting i2s_clock module parameters. Select PLL_D2_CLK clock source.
*    @param    i2s_lcd_handle i2s_lcd_handle_t.       "typedef void* i2s_lcd_handle_t." but "i2s_lcd_handle_t" are type "i2s_lcd_t". i2s_lcd_t define i/os and port "I2S_NUM_0" or "I2S_NUM_1".
*    @param    N    i2s_clock equation calculation
*    @param    b    i2s_clock equation calculation
*    @param    a    i2s_clock equation calculation
*    @param    M    i2s_clock equation calculation
*    Clock source are PLL_D2_CLK. Not APLL_CLK.
*    PLL_D2_CLK = 160 MHz fixed internal microcontroller(esp32) clock source.
*    WR# clock used in LCD Mode 8080 bus.
*    WR# frequency calculation shown below:
*    f(i2s) = f(PLL_D2_CLK)/(N+(b/a)).
*    N = REG_CLKM_DIV_NUM[7:0]. N >= 2.
*    b = I2S_CLKM_DIV_B[5:0].
*    a = I2S_CLKM_DIV_A[5:0].
*    Bit clock BCK f(bck) = f(i2s)/M.
*    M = I2S_TX_BCK_DIV_NUM[5:0]. M >= 2.
*    In LCD mode, WR# freq = f(bck)/2.
*    So,  
*    WR# freq = f(PLL_D2_CLK)/(N+(b/a))/M/2. 
*    WR# freq = f(PLL_D2_CLK)/(REG_CLKM_DIV_NUM[7:0]+(I2S_CLKM_DIV_B[5:0]/I2S_CLKM_DIV_A[5:0]))/(I2S_TX_BCK_DIV_NUM[5:0])/2.
*    I2S Clock parameters -> N, b, a, M.
*    N: the value is 2 ~ 255. N >= 2.
*    b: the value is 0 ~ 63.
*    a: the value is 0 ~ 63.
*    M: the value is 2 ~ 63. M >= 2.
*    Para,
*    WR# freq = 20MHz.
*    WR# freq = f(PLL_D2_CLK)/(N+(b/a))/M/2.
*    WR# freq = (  160MHz  )/(2+(0/1))/2/2.
*    WR# freq = (  160MHz  )/8.
*    WR# freq = 20MHz.    
*    N = 2    
*    b = 0
*    a = 1
*    M = 2
*    i2s_set_bck_clk_PLL_D2_CLK ( ili9341, 2, 0, 1, 2 );

void i2s_set_bck_clk_PLL_D2_CLK ( i2s_lcd_handle_t i2s_lcd_handle, uint8_t N, uint8_t b, uint8_t a, uint8_t M )
    i2s_lcd_t *i2s_lcd = (i2s_lcd_t *)i2s_lcd_handle;
    i2s_port_t i2s_num = i2s_lcd->i2s_port;

    if ( i2s_num >= I2S_NUM_MAX )    printf("Error: i2s_num = %u. i2s_num >= 2\n", i2s_num );
    if ( N < 2 )                                   printf("Error: N = %u. N < 2\n", N );
    if ( b > 63 )                                 printf("Error: b = %u. b > 63\n", b );
    if ( a > 63 )                                 printf("Error: a = %u. a > 63\n", a );
    if ( M < 2 || M > 63)                    printf("Error: M = %u. range allowed for M are: 2 =< M <= 63\n", M );

    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clk_en = 0;    // Disable i2s module clock  ????   
    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clkm_div_num = N;
    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clkm_div_b = b;
    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clkm_div_a = a;
    I2S[i2s_num]->sample_rate_conf.tx_bck_div_num = M;
    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clka_en = 0;    // select PLL_D2_CLK. Digital Multiplexer that select between APLL_CLK or PLL_D2_CLK.

    I2S[i2s_num]->clkm_conf.clk_en = 1;    // Enable i2s module clock  ????


Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

Re: i2s parallel "PLL_D2_CLK" problem

Postby Baldhead » Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:37 pm

no one ?

Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:16 am

Re: i2s parallel "PLL_D2_CLK" problem

Postby Baldhead » Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:36 pm


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