ESP32 Powered 3D Printed Robot Arm

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ESP32 Powered 3D Printed Robot Arm

Postby jlauer12 » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:28 am

This video walks you through the latest design of my 3D printed robot arm actuator. The ESP32 is used as the brains of each robot arm actuator and in the video you'll see why.


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Re: ESP32 Powered 3D Printed Robot Arm

Postby vonnieda » Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:12 am

This is really incredible work, thank you for sharing! I've followed your Github repo and YouTube channel. Really looking forward to seeing your progress on this!

I have no experience with robot arms, but I have seen in videos where they are often trained by holding the end effector and moving it around by hand. Would the high gear ratio here make that impossible? I wonder how it's done in the high end robot arms. Force feedback?


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Re: ESP32 Powered 3D Printed Robot Arm

Postby ffrige » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:10 pm

Yes, the easiest way is attach a 6-dof force sensor at the TCP and let it follow your movements.

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