Reliable Second Source for ESP32 PSRAM

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Reliable Second Source for ESP32 PSRAM

Postby PepeESP32 » Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:02 am

Hello all,

one of the industrialization issues of the ESP32 WROVER moduls is the availability of ESP32 PS RAM, coming from a more or less single source.
Manufactured by Espressif as well on the module itself it should usually not be so much of an issue, as Espressif has the control. But pretty surely Espressif is fabless and gets their parts from a third party to be placed on the modules. What happens to module availability if RAM is not available because of floodings, earthquakes, fires or the like in their silicon backends. All this has happend to other makers in the past.
Moreover if RAM should be extended (trough the PSRAM pins and chipselect) externally it is not too easy to get more than one supplier for a critical part like RAM and reliabe distribution in Europe is still limited

This is a similar issue as it was with HyperRAM and HyperFlash in the beginning, it has its technical advantages but is very special.

For an industrial mass production in Europe it is more or less necessary to have second sources in these times where part obsolescence is a very critical item to every electronical product suppy chain.

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