@john lee
@beta team
had start problem here in my winter home, because my outdoor room has +13..+18 °Celsius room temperature.
i think, we have a nice [edit with this onboard temperature sensor] ( efuses) future, or unlucky bug/ board ( C1, C2, OSC ) .
can you please check this:
[edit picture insert]
( Click on Picture to the Video on Youtube)
GND, 3.3
Pullup ( 10KOhm ) EN with Pusher Contact to GND ( Switch off/on )
GPIO0 high ( App Mode boot )
GPIO05 pullup ( 10KOhm)
U0TXD pullup ( 10KOhm )
USB TTL -> Terminal
Firmware: First Start Standard ( can't go on first moments, then began to search )
Video/Description: User Firmware, only add Hello World Message
EDIT: "esp_init_data_default.bin"
No change / update / flashing new *****esp_init_data_default.bin*****
Room/Place Temperature is +13..+16 °Celsius
Board do not boot.
Hot Air Pump /Blow warm Air to the Place, Step by Step Kelvin +1
at +20..+23 °Celsius the Board boot
Hot Air Pump/Blow cold Air to the Place/Step by Step Kelvin -1
at 21..20° Celsius the Board can not boot again by push the button, go down ( see the last Message \0 ...) there are Infos for this?
Board will not boot again with this Celsius ( 20°C ...18°C )
Again Kelvin +1 step by step, note, i had push the button,
this remind the board? and when the minimum temperature has been reached, this boot automatically.
see all in video,
the video is not listed in you tube,
only here posting for share with beta tester and espressif team.
( espressif you can go outside this forum with this video )
or this link ( same video ) :
sry again for bad english.
Have we nice Future [edit with this onboard temperature sensor] or unlucky bug / board?
If Future, get we a info how this can be setting down

because i am really be outdoor with testings

( fun )
best wishes

( let me know, email, pm or here )
btw: found my problem, the hot air is just in time fixed allways at this "+ 27°C" place

have "fixed" the bug / future [edit with a hot air ]

Please do not laugh at my bad English pronunciation. this is my first video with language. Moreover, in a strange.

That cost me a lot to overcome.