The need for a fully functional CoAp Server and Client support on ESP32

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The need for a fully functional CoAp Server and Client support on ESP32

Postby Pcborges » Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:04 pm

CoAp is one of the best protocols available to IOT devices: light weight, fast and simple to use.
Has an observe resources support that prevents Clients from constantly pooling resource status from servers and thus saving big on network traffic.

Unfortunately even the ESP8266 CoAp implementations found at the internet lack some features and the ESP32 implementations we find are not even fully functional usually lacking support for basic functions like discovery, ping and observe.

Espressif would make a great contribution to the IOT Community if they use their expertise to develop a descent support for the protocol CoAp so builders could fully implement cost effective and efficient IOT solutions using Espressif's excellent line of products.


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