Wow, mental note. Dont be so hasty to look at something before making a post otherwise risk looking like a fool.
Well... Shaking the dust off my pants and getting back up. Still makes me wonder. Whats the point in invent something new that does the same thing with no gain.
Or so I thought Until i did this.
Code: Select all
for(uint8_t x = 0 ; x < 20 ; x++)
------------------- Memory utilization report -------------------
Used DATA_FLASH: 18KB out of 8192KB (0%)
Used INSTR_FLASH: 80KB out of 3264KB (2%)
Used INSTR_RAM: 37KB out of 128KB (29%)
Used DATA_RAM: 10KB out of 320KB (3%)
ok, now lets add vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(x)); to that loop to see the results.
------------------- Memory utilization report -------------------
Used DATA_FLASH: 18KB out of 8192KB (0%)
Used INSTR_FLASH: 80KB out of 3264KB (2%) [+24]
Used INSTR_RAM: 37KB out of 128KB (29%)
Used DATA_RAM: 10KB out of 320KB (3%)
Now lets replace that with vTaskDelay(x/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
------------------- Memory utilization report -------------------
Used DATA_FLASH: 18KB out of 8192KB (0%)
Used INSTR_FLASH: 80KB out of 3264KB (2%) [+32]
Used INSTR_RAM: 37KB out of 128KB (29%)
Used DATA_RAM: 10KB out of 320KB (3%)
So, in conclusion using vTaskDelay(x/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS) add more code.