I'm working on a project to collect sensor data from SPI through ULP. My intension is to implement bit-bang logic according to the interface requirement. The way I'm thinking about is like below:
1. create a ulp_main, wrap the code calling ULP instructions, and enter deep_sleep after that.
2. main function will call ulp_main() right after reset
3. Implement a deep sleep stub to decide if really need to wake up main MCU.
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void ulp_main(){
const ulp_insn_t program[] = {
I_MOVI(R3, 16), // R3 <- 16
..... // toggle IOs here
size_t load_addr = 0;
size_t size = sizeof(program)/sizeof(ulp_insn_t);
ulp_process_macros_and_load(load_addr, program, &size);
void RTC_IRAM_ATTR esp_wake_deep_sleep(void) {
// TODO .... check if really wake up main CPU here, goto deep sleep again if not
void app_main(void)
the IO toggeling being implemented in ulp_main, was excuted repeatedly (around every 4ms), though I set the timer TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC=1.5 second, I had expect this should be executed only once every TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC time. But it seems some logic controls the execution of ulp processor, which is unknown to me. Please help!
any comments will be welcome, thansks!