Problems uploading code to esp32+cam

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Re: Problems uploading code to esp32+cam

Postby portasynthinca3 » Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:39 pm

I'm glad that you solved your issue with not being able to upload the firmware.
I think the reason behind the "garbage" characters in the serial port monitor is that you didn't set your baud rate to the correct value. Go through the code, and typically in the setup() function Serial.begin(some_number) is called. This "some number" is the baud rate, it's typically set to 115200. When you open your serial monitor, at its bottom-right corner there is a drop-down menu. Select the option "x baud", where x is that number in the code. I think it would solve the problem.

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Re: Problems uploading code to esp32+cam

Postby oldtecken » Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:04 pm

Thanks for that. I had seen the baud rate drop down munu but I didn't know how you could find out what it should be set to. I'll try it.



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Re: Problems uploading code to esp32+cam

Postby oldtecken » Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:51 pm

Just an update on this. I know have "camera web server" working. This time the upload etc went without a hitch. I think the little bit of experience I now have makes it easier. Thanks again for the help.



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Re: Problems uploading code to esp32+cam

Postby Daveyman123 » Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:12 am

Brownout detected. Not burnout detected. Although I can see you may be getting burned out of trying to get the esp32 cam working properly. I know i am.

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