Problems with OTA Update and simultaneous CAN RX events

Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:29 pm

Problems with OTA Update and simultaneous CAN RX events

Postby bewatermyfriendxd » Fri May 17, 2019 10:55 am


Im currently using an ESP32-WROOM-32D with CAN and a webserver that serves a webpage for uploading .bin-files for OTA update.

I observed that when there is data traffic on the CAN bus and I am doing a OTA update, the ESP crashes at the erase flash stage during update process.

This is the error log:

Code: Select all

Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU0)
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x400907f1  PS      : 0x00060034  A0      : 0x800fd394  A1      : 0x3ffbe570  
0x400907f1: portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:3537
 (inlined by) vTaskEnterCritical at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:4226

A2      : 0x3ffbef98  A3      : 0x3ffbe594  A4      : 0x00000000  A5      : 0x00000040  
A6      : 0x00000008  A7      : 0x00000000  A8      : 0x3ffc13fc  A9      : 0x3ffbe560  
A10     : 0x00000003  A11     : 0x00060023  A12     : 0x00060021  A13     : 0x00000001  
A14     : 0x00060021  A15     : 0x00000000  SAR     : 0x00000018  EXCCAUSE: 0x00000005  
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000  LBEG    : 0x00000000  LEND    : 0x00000000  LCOUNT  : 0x00000000  
Core 0 was running in ISR context:
EPC1    : 0x40081fe9  EPC2    : 0x00000000  EPC3    : 0x00000000  EPC4    : 0x400907f1
0x40081fe9: esp_intr_noniram_enable at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/src/actia/factory-app/components/esp32/intr_alloc.c:883

0x400907f1: portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:3537
 (inlined by) vTaskEnterCritical at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:4226

Backtrace: 0x400907f1:0x3ffbe570 0x400fd391:0x3ffbe590 0x40082411:0x3ffbe5c0 0x40081fe6:0x3ffb0180 0x40082e0b:0x3ffb01a0 0x4008204f:0x3ffb01c0 0x4008ff96:0x3ffb01e0
0x400907f1: portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:3537
 (inlined by) vTaskEnterCritical at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/freertos/tasks.c:4226

0x400fd391: can_intr_handler_main at /home/michael/20190206/esp-idf/components/driver/can.c:869
OK the Interrupt watchdog cant be fed during erasing flash process, so I tried to disable CAN while updating to get rid of the
CAN ISR. In my update_handler I called can_stop() and then can_driver_uninstall() before starting the update.

Then I was able to complete the update. However when Im navigating to another site and start the CAN controller again (with can_driver_install() and can_start() a lot of negative side effects are occuring.

This is my log:

Code: Select all

E (108855) emac: Initialise PHY device Timeout
E (109855) emac: Timed out waiting for PHY register 0x2 to have value 0x0007(mask 0xffff). Current value 0x0000
E (110855) emac: Timed out waiting for PHY register 0x3 to have value 0xc0f0(mask 0xfff0). Current value 0x0000
E (110855) emac: Initialise PHY device Timeout
E (110855) uart: uart_flush_input(1255): uart driver error
E (110865) uart: uart_write_bytes(1152): uart driver error
E (110865) uart: uart_read_bytes(1187): uart driver error
E (110965) esp_ota_ops: ota data invalid, no current app. Assuming factory
W (111845) httpd_txrx: httpd_sock_err: error in send : 104
Suddenly the Ethernet interface isnt working anymore (see the timed out waiting for PHY errors). Also the uart commands are failing and I get httpd socket errors on Responses that should be sent to a WiFi Client.

What could be the reason that my internal interfaces are crashing after deactivating and reactivating CAN after doing an update (erasing and writing to flash) ?

I'll appreciate any help,

Thanks for the support.

Posts: 308
Joined: Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:50 am

Re: Problems with OTA Update and simultaneous CAN RX events

Postby ESP_Dazz » Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:59 pm

Note: CAN/TWAI should now work during OTA as of this commit. See docs for more details.

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