Training Course About ESP32 and ESP8266 with SDK-IDF 3.2

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Training Course About ESP32 and ESP8266 with SDK-IDF 3.2

Postby simplicio » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:07 pm

Hello friends
I announce the new training on the ESP32 and ESP8266 microcontrollers using the SDK-IDF 3.2.

In total there are 184 video lessons with a total duration of 3346 minutes.

Undoubtedly this is the largest and most comprehensive training on ESP32 and ESP8266 in the world.
*Portuguese language

Please, visit our website:

Check out the Programmatic Content!

Specialized classes: ESP32 with SDK-IDF (Native Programming in C / C ++) with FreeRTOS.

Unit 1 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Installing the ESP32 C / C ++ SDK on Windows.
Unit 2 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] P1 Programming GPIOs of ESP32 with SDK-IDF (Native Programming in C / C ++).
Unit 3 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] P2 Programming ESP32 GPIOs with SDK-IDF (Input and Output).
Unit 4 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Working with ESP32 GPIO Descriptor with SDK-IDF.
Unit 5 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] ESP32 input and output descriptor with SDK-IDF.
Unit 6 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Interruptions of ESP32 GPIOs with SDK-IDF and FreeRTOS.
Unit 7 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Handling the events of ESP32 GPIO Interrupts with SDK-IDF.
Unit 8 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Introduction to ESP32 WiFi with SDK-IDF C / C ++ (Callback).
Unit 9 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Configuration of WiFi with fixed IP in ESP32 with SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 10 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Configuring WiFi through ESP32 components with SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 11 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Infrastructure mode with ESP32 WiFi with SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 12 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Callback function - Ap mode - Programming ESP32 WiFi with SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 13 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Multithread TCP / IP Server socket in ESP32 with SDK-IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 14 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Socket TCP / IP Client in ESP32 with SDK-IDF C / C ++ (Socket Client Connection).
Unit 15 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] HTTP Socket Connection (POST) with ESP32 and SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 16 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] HTTP Socket Connection (GET) with ESP32 and SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 17 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] WebSocket HTTP (GET and POST) project with ESP32 and SDK-IDF C / C ++.
Unit 18 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] TLS / SSL Certificate in WebSocket HTTP Project (GET and POST) with ESP32 and C / C ++ SDK-IDF.
Unit 19 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Multi-Socket Client HTTP with ESP32 and IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 20 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Secure connection MQTT via TLS / SLL applied in ESP32 with IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 21 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] [P2] Secure connection MQTT via TLS / SLL applied in ESP32 with IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 22 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] IOT project with MQTT applied to ESP32 with IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 23 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] IOT project with MQTT and ESP32 - Remote activation via internet.
Unit 24 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] WiFimanager: Configuration of SSID and ESPASS PASSWORD via IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS (WiFi SoftAp mode).
Unit 25 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Full Project: MQTT and WiFimanager integrated in ESP32 via IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 26 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Working with ESP32 internal non-volatile memory with SDK-IDF C / C ++ and FreeRTOS.
Unit 27 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Configuration of ESP32 UART in SDK-IDF with FreeRTOS.
Unit 28 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Handling ESP32 UART Events in the SDK-IDF.
Unit 29 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Multithread program for transmitting and receiving data via UART on ESP32.
Unit 30 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Introduction to Bluetooth technology in ESP32 with SDK-IDF (SPP profile)
Unit 31 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Data exchange via ESP32 Bluetooth SPP and Android App (Bluetooth Terminal).
Unit 32 [ESP32 SDK-IDF] Project Serial Converter <> Bluetooth Complete with ESP32 and Android App (Bluetooth Terminal).

Specialization Classes: FreeRTOS Real-Time Operating System with ESP32
Check out the Programmatic Content!
Unit 1 [ESP32 -FreeRTOS] - Course Introduction
Unit 2 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Multitasking
Unit 3 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Integration of FreeRTOS in the ESP32 SDK
Unit 4 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Working with Tasks (Part 1)
Unit 5 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Working with Task (Part 2)
Unit 6 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Working with Task (Part 3)
Unit 7 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Secure HTTP (S) socket connection (Part 1)
Unit 8 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Secure HTTP (S) socket connection (Part 2)
Unit 9 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Secure HTTP (S) socket connection (Part 3)
Unit 10 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Message Queues in FreeRTOS (Part 1)
Unit 11 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Message Queues in FreeRTOS (Part 2)
Unit 12 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Message Queues in FreeRTOS (Part 3)
Unit 13 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Treating JSON Returns
Unit 14 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Display OLED and ESP32
Unit 15 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - OLED Display, ADC Reading and FreeRTOS Queues
Unit 16 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Read ADC and Write to IOT Server
Unit 17 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Interrupt Handling and FreeRTOS API
Unit 18 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Mutex in FreeRTOS (Part 1)
Unit 19 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Mutex in FreeRTOS (Part 2)
Unit 20 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Mutex in FreeRTOS (Part 3)
Unit 21 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - FreeRTOS Task Notifications
Unit 22 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Control and Monitoring Project IOT c / ESP32 and FreeRTOS (Part 1)
Unit 23 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Control and Monitoring Project IOT c / ESP32 and FreeRTOS (Part 2)
Unit 24 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Control and Monitoring Project IOT c / ESP32 and FreeRTOS (Part 3)
Unit 25 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Control and Monitoring Project IOT with ESP32 and FreeRTOS (Part 4)
Unit 26 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - FreeRTOS Queue Set
Unit 27 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Event Groups in FreeRTOS (Part 1)
Unit 28 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Event Groups in FreeRTOS (Part 2)
Unit 29 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - Mailbox on FreeRTOS
Unit 30 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - FreeRTOS Timer Software
Unit 31 [ESP32-FreeRTOS] - FreeRTOS Tips and Final Thoughts

Specialization Courses: Native Programming of ESP8266 with SDK-IDF in C / C ++. Create your WebServer and Zero WiFimanager
Basic and advanced projects with ESP8266 with native SDK-IDF from Espressif.
Module 1 Basic and Advanced Projects with ESP8266 -
Basic and advanced projects with ESP8266 with native SDK-IDF from Espressif.
Unit 1 [ESP8266] Introduction to Online Course
Unit 2 [ESP8266] Installing the Programs and Preparing the Development Environment
Unit 3 [ESP8266] Introduction to ESP8266 GPIOs with IDF SDK
Unit 4 [ESP8266] GPIO - Drives with ESP8266 with IDF SDK
Unit 5 [ESP8266] GPIO - Treatment of bounces in ESP8266 with IDF SDK (P1)
Unit 6 [ESP8266] GPIO - Treatment of bounces in ESP8266 with IDF SDK (P2)
Unit 7 [ESP8266] Programming ESP8266 External Interruptions with IDF SDK
Unit 8 [ESP8266] Creating FreeRTOS Task on ESP8266 with IDF SDK (P1)
Unit 9 [ESP8266] Creating FreeRTOS Task on ESP8266 with IDF SDK (P2)
Unit 10 [ESP8266] Programming ESP8266 WiFi with IDF SDK
Unit 11 [ESP8266] Non-volatile Data Storage on ESP8266 with IDF SDK
Unit 12 [ESP8266] Practical Project with TCP Client Socket - ESP8266 and IDF SDK
Unit 13 [ESP8266] Consuming JSON via WebSocket on ESP8266 with IDF SDK
Unit 14 [ESP8266] WebSocket POST method on ESP8266 with IDF SDK
Unit 15 [ESP8266] Sending Data to a Web Server via POST with ESP8266 and IDF SDK
Unit 16 [ESP8266] TCP Socket Client with ESP8266 and IDF SDK
Unit 17 [ESP8266] MQTT protocol with ESP8266 and IDF SDK
Unit 18 [ESP8266] ESP8266 MQTT Interface and Mosquitto Broker and IDF SDK
Unit 19 [ESP8266] ESP8266 Professional MQTT Project with IDF SDK
Unit 20 [ESP8266] Building Zero a WiFi Manager Management System with ESP8266 and IDF SDK (P1)
Unit 21 [ESP8266] Building Zero a WiFi Manager Management System with ESP8266 and IDF SDK (P2)
Unit 22 [ESP8266] Professional Project - WiFimanager and MQTT access to the cloud via ESP8266 and IDF SDK
Unit 23 [ESP8266] Print Certificate

Specialization Courses: Creating Your Cloud IOT Platform with Amazon AWS + Mosquitto MQTT + ESP32
Unit 1 [AWS] Introduction to Online Course.
Unit 2 [AWS] Purposes and Objectives of the Course.
Unit 3 [AWS] Introduction to Amazon AWS Services.
Unit 4 [AWS] Ubuntu Instance Creation and Configuration on Amazon AWS.
Unit 5 [AWS] Running Applications in Python as Services - Creating Shell-Script.
Unit 6 [AWS] Private Key Generation and First Access via SSH on AWS.
Unit 7 [AWS] Insertion and Compilation of the Mosquitto MQTT broker at AWS.
Unit 8 [AWS] Installing and Configuring Apache + PHP + Mysql on Amazon AWS.
Unit 9 [AWS] Installation of Python and Project Libraries.
Unit 10 [AWS] Access via FTP via SSH to Web Server and Database Configuration.
Unit 11 [AWS] Configuring the Mosquitto MQTT Broker via SSH on AWS (P1).
Unit 12 [AWS] Configuring the Mosquitto MQTT broker via SSH on AWS (P2).
Unit 13 [AWS] Automatic Initialization of the Application in Python after Server Restart.
Unit 14 [AWS] Initialization Automatically from the Mosquitto Broker MQTT after restarting the Server.
Unit 15 [AWS] DNS configuration on AWS Route 53.
Unit 16 [AWS] Installation of the TLS / SSL Certificate on the MQTT Mosquitto.
Unit 17 [AWS] Configuration of domain and subdomain in Route 53 AWS.
Unit 18 [AWS] TLS / SSL Certificate Installation Let's Encrypt on AWS.
Unit 19 [AWS] Sending and Receiving data via WebSocket GET and POST with SSL in AWS.
Unit 20 [AWS] MQTT communication between ESP32 and Mosquitto on AWS.
Unit 21 [AWS] Receiving data from the Cloud by MQTT with ESP32 and AWS.
Unit 22 [AWS] Extra 1 - Generation of TLS / SSL Certificate via Certificate Manager AWS.
Unit 23 [AWS] Extra 2 - Setting the Load Balancer on the AWS.

Specialization classes: Build your MQTT Server with Mosquitto + ESP32 + Python and Mysql
Check out the Programmatic Content!
Unit 1 Introduction to the Course - Overview of MQTT Brokers.
Unit 2 Installation and Configuration of the Mosquitto Broker MQTT.
Unit 3 MQTT communication between Client-Mosquitto-Client.
Unit 4 Authentication of users / clients with Mosquitto MQTT.
Unit 5 Adding new authenticated users in MQTT communication.
Unit 6 Access Control List (ACL) - Understanding and configuring the subscription and posting rules of the topics by user.
Unit 7 Demystifying the Quality of Services (QoS) with Mosquitto MQTT.
Unit 8 Installation and Configuration of the TLS / SSL Certificate in the Mosquitto.
Unit 9 Creation of a Network among Brokers Mosquitto through the Mosquitto BRIDGE configuration.
Unit 10 Working with Python. Communication Test between Mosquitto and Python.
Unit 11 Working with Python and ESP32. Preparing the MQTT Code with ESP32
Unit 12 Reception via MQTT of data sent between Python-Mosquitto-ESP32.
Unit 13 Final Project. ESP32 communication via MQTT with Python Receive + Mysql database.

Program content
Specialization Courses: Raspberry PI - Advanced Projects with MQTT Broker Mosquitto and WebSocket

Unit 1 [RASP] Course Introduction
Unit 2 [RASP] How to Install the Mosquitto MQTT Broker on the Rasberry PI
Unit 3 [RASP] Posting and signing threads via MQTT in Rasberry PI
Unit 4 [RASP] Devices Authentication Connected to Rasberry PI
Unit 5 [RASP] Rules of the ACL's in the Mosquitto configured in Rasberry PI
Unit 6 [RASP] Generation of TLS / SSL Certificates with OpenSSL in Raspberry PI
Unit 7 [RASP] Secure Communication with TLS / SSL between MQTT Server Raspberry PI and PC
Unit 8 [RASP] Interface between Rasberry PI and ESP32 via MQTT
Unit 9 [RASP] Publication of Topics between ESP32 and Rasberry PI MQTT Server (Part1)
Unit 10 [RASP] Publication of Topics between ESP32 and MQTT Server Rasberry PI (Part2)
Unit 11 [RASP] Installing Apache, PHP, Mysql database and phpmyadmin on Rasberry PI
Unit 12 [RASP] Python and Mysql configuration in Rasperry PI
Unit 13 [RASP] ShellScript development for the program in Python
Unit 14 [RASP] Automatic Program Initialization in Python when Restarting Raspberry PI
Unit 15 [RASP] WebSocket on Rasberry PI - Configuring the FrontEnd [Part1]
Unit 16 [RASP] WebSocket in Rasberry PI - Configuring the FrontEnd [Part2]
Unit 17 [RASP] Sending and Receiving Data between Raspberry PI and ESP32 via MQTT (FrontEnd)
Unit 18 [RASP] Bridge MQTT between Raspberry PI and Cloud Server MQTT
Unit 19 [RASP] User Management at Raspberry PI.
Unit 20 [RASP] File Permissions on Raspberry PI.
Unit 21 [RASP] User Permissions and Program Execution P1.
Unit 22 [RASP] User Permissions and Program Execution P2.
Unit 23 [RASP] Print the Certificate [PDF]

Best Regards
Fernando Simplicio

Posts: 507
Joined: Thu May 03, 2018 1:18 pm

Re: Training Course About ESP32 and ESP8266 with SDK-IDF 3.2

Postby username » Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:30 am

Looks very cool, but being in Portuguese, I don't see allot of people being able to making use of it.

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:03 pm

Re: Training Course About ESP32 and ESP8266 with SDK-IDF 3.2

Postby Pratikm78 » Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:07 pm

This is exactly what I am looking for and chance there is an English version. I don't know Portuguese.

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