Does the ESP32 app image file (*.bin) have any metadata embedded?
Otherwise, I'm thinking of declaring (in the app code) a const char[] which is rooted at a fixed address. Then retrieve that string from a fixed offset in the app image partition and display it in this table.
It's dirty and won't work on an app which doesn't declare that string... Do I need a special linker file or is there some directive I can put in the code to force the string to be put at a fixed address?
- Should be able to read the version info from a xxx-ota.bin file (compiled esp-idf project output). I.e. the file is selected in a web-based OTA updater and ready to send to ESP32. The javascript can read and display the version info before sending it to the ESP32.
- Should be able to read it from the running ESP32 code. Should be able to read it from all partitions, not just the running one. It would allow me to populate the "App Version" column in the partition info table here-
- Should be determinable if the version info exists or not- to avoid displaying junk if not exist.