ESP32-WROOM-32 Freezing

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Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:19 pm

ESP32-WROOM-32 Freezing

Postby Vickrw » Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:05 pm

I am using the ESP32-WROOM-32 for a project. The board is reading a input from a temperature sensor and turning a relay on and off based on the input. At a random interval of time the ESP32 will stop transmitting WiFi data and bluetooth data. It also stops controlling the relay, so which ever state the relay was in when the chip froze that were it stays until you plug the PCB and plug it back in. This sometimes happens after 4 days and anywhere up to 75 days its just a totally random case, but it happens on all of the boards.

Could this be hardware related or firmware related?

If anyone has experience with anything that is similar to this any input would greatly help.

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Re: ESP32-WROOM-32 Freezing

Postby ESP_Sprite » Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:39 pm

Can you show your schematic? It may be that the relay is influencing the ESP32 through voltage dips or EMI or something.

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