SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby loboris » Sat Dec 23, 2017 9:54 pm

Are you shure you are using the components directory from the zip file?
To remove low level logging the file hci_dump.c in src directory has to be modified.
The modified file is is included in the zip, and you can get it directly hci_dump.c link

Here is my output with log level set to warning (esp_log_level_set("[BT_STACK]", 2);):

Code: Select all

HEAP after BT: 192224
BTstack: execute run loop
BTstack: up and running.
RFCOMM channel 1 requested for 06:84:16:21:13:18
RFCOMM channel open succeeded. New RFCOMM Channel ID 1, max frame size 990
BTstack counter 0001
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BTstack counter 0009
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BTstack counter 0027
RCV: 'Hi from Android'
BTstack counter 0028
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BTstack counter 0043
BTstack counter 0044
BTstack counter 0045
RCV: 'It works'
BTstack counter 0046
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BTstack counter 0070
BTstack counter 0071
RCV: 'sddfhhj. kk jjigjfjfjfghjjhfsdgjkmmjjjjjkkkkk jjjjkkkk kkkkkkk. j hg.  ffffffff. ffffffffgggggghvvdddddddFgghjj. jjjjjjjj'
BTstack counter 0072
BTstack counter 0073
BTstack counter 0074
BTstack counter 0075
BTstack counter 0076
BTstack counter 0077
BTstack counter 0078
BTstack counter 0079
BTstack counter 0080
BTstack counter 0081
BTstack counter 0082

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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby squonk11 » Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:42 pm

now I also changed hci_dump.c and now there is no logging any more. But my problem remains the same: the communication is too slow. Can you check how fast you can exchange data?
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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby squonk11 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:00 pm

now I fixed my problem: it was related to a race condition between incoming and outgoing telegrams. Now btStack works. Unfortunately even after tuning everything the the BT communication is much slower than the direct serial communication (approx. factor 2).
@loboris: Thanks for your support.
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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby squonk11 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:33 pm

Now I saw that there is a bt_spp_acceptor and bt_spp_initiator example available. This seems to be the "missing" BT-classic SPP profile. Has anybody tested it?
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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby loboris » Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:12 pm

Yes, it works fine.

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Re: SPP profile in bluedroid missing?

Postby squonk11 » Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:34 pm

@loboris: how did you make it work? I am trying to use it but I am getting a system crash after approx. 2 minutes; see here: https://www.esp32.com/viewtopic.php?f=1 ... 742#p39742
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