Internal PULLUP resister damaged?? (GPIO22)

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Internal PULLUP resister damaged?? (GPIO22)

Postby paulymorph » Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:19 pm

I have a simple arduino sketch that has been working for weeks on an MH-ET ESP32 Devkit board. I have a momentary button between GPIO22 and GND. In the sketch I configure GPIO22 as INPUT_PULLUP, then based on a button press I have it send an MQTT Message to my broker.

The button stopped triggering the MQTT message so I started investigating. The button is fine. I tested with multi-meter for continuity with or without the button pressed... I then added serial.println to the sketch to test the pinoutput to see if it was reporting high or low... I discovered the pin is now reporting low at all times. Whether I define the pin as INPUT_PULLUP, or INPUT_PULLDOWN or just as INPUT, the pin is always staying low. I am able to pull the pin high with an external pullup resister but in the end, i've just configured it as INPUT_PULLDOWN (Even though it doesn't seem necessary) and put the button between 3.3 and GND.

Do any of you know how an internal resister could be damaged or do you have a different theory as to what could be happening?

I did test all of this against a 2nd identical board and it works as expected. I'm able to pull the same pin high or low with the sketch, so it's definitely something specific to this one board.

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