I'm trying to change the size of UART0's TX FIFO o 512 Bytes.
The FIFO's size (in byte) can be set in UART_MEM_CONF_REG configuring bits 7 to bit 10. (ESP32 TRM V4.0, page 364)
This register is 0x88 by default: 128 Byte TX FIFO and 128 byte RX FIFO. So bit 7 = 1 sets 128 Byte TX FIFO size.
Unfortunately there is no info how to set Bits 7, 8,9, and 10 to change the FIFO size. My first idea was to set bit 8 for 256 bytes size, bit 9 for 512 bytes and bit 10 to 1024 bytes. I intend to use UART0 only, so there's no problem with the other UART's FIFO size.
I tried the following lines:
Code: Select all
// Create a byte pattern to send
char buffer[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) buffer[i] = i;
// f.e.set bit 8 for (maybe??) 256 bytes TX FIFO size, other configurations has been tested as well
// Start uart driver, no event queue, no TX ringbuffer
uart_driver_install(uart_num, UART_BUF_SIZE, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
// send 256 bytes from a buffer
uart_tx_chars(uart_num, (const char*)buffer, 256);
What's wrong, what did I miss?
Thanks, Wolf