ESP32 Wrover - required hardware for standalone and flash/debugging.

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ESP32 Wrover - required hardware for standalone and flash/debugging.

Postby permal » Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:50 pm


About to start my next project based on the ESP32. Likely I'll be basing it on the Wrover module.

Is it possible to use a Wrover Kit v3 as a flash and (JTAG)debugging platform for a Wrover module mounted on another PCB?

My understanding is that I only need what is in "7. Peripherial Schematics" on my PCB to run the module stand alone and also being able to flash and debug, correct? If I'm not going to do deep-sleep, I don't need the crystal on my PCB, also correct?



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Re: ESP32 Wrover - required hardware for standalone and flash/debugging.

Postby ESP_igrr » Mon Jun 18, 2018 12:32 am

Yes, it's possible to use wrover-kit to debug (JTAG/UART) external chip or module. You need to remove jumpers which bridge TX, RX, MTDI, MTDO, MTCK, MTMS, and connect the FT2232 side to the external board. Also connect IO0 and EN if you are using UART download. IO0 is shared with the module mounted on the wrover-kit, which will be powered on, so make sure that the application there does not touch IO0.

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Re: ESP32 Wrover - required hardware for standalone and flash/debugging.

Postby permal » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:07 pm

Thanks Igrr.

Posts: 384
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 5:36 pm

Re: ESP32 Wrover - required hardware for standalone and flash/debugging.

Postby permal » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:04 pm

Just making double sure - at a minimum, this'd do the trick?
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