PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:49 pm

PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby newsettler_AI » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:46 pm


I'm trying to get data from this PDM microphone:
https://www.invensense.com/wp-content/u ... 0-v1.1.pdf

Here is my initialization:

Code: Select all

void i2s_init()
	 int i2s_num = 0;
	 i2s_config_t i2s_config = {
        .mode = I2S_MODE_MASTER | I2S_MODE_RX |I2S_MODE_PDM,
        .sample_rate =  48000,
        .bits_per_sample = 16,
	    .communication_format = I2S_COMM_FORMAT_PCM,
	    .channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_RIGHT,
	    .intr_alloc_flags = 0,
	    .dma_buf_count = 2,
	    .dma_buf_len = 1024

	 i2s_pin_config_t pin_config = {
	    .ws_io_num   = PIN_CLK,
	    .data_in_num = PIN_DATA,

	 //install and start i2s driver
	 i2s_driver_install(i2s_num, &i2s_config, 0, NULL);
	 i2s_set_pin(I2S_NUM_0, &pin_config);
I'm not sure how to read data from PDM format, I have tried with function below, but output looks is pretty gibberish ( a lot of repeating bytes...)

Code: Select all

#define READ_LEN (2 * 1024)

uint8_t BUFFER[READ_LEN] = {0};

void ICS41350_disp_buf(uint8_t* buf, int length)
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        printf("%02x ", buf[i]);
        if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0) {

void ICS41350_record_task (void* arg)
    while (1)
	    i2s_read_bytes(I2S_NUM_0, (char*) BUFFER, READ_LEN, (1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS));
	    ICS41350_disp_buf((uint8_t*) BUFFER, READ_LEN);
	    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);


void app_main()
    xTaskCreate(ICS41350_record_task, "ICS41350_record_task", 1024 * 2, NULL, 5, NULL);

And here is log:

Code: Select all

[2018-06-11_21:40:25]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

[2018-06-11_21:40:25]rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

[2018-06-11_21:40:25]rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]mode:DIO, clock div:2
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]ho 12 tail 0 room 4
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]entry 0x40078fd8
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (31) boot: ESP-IDF v3.1-dev-578-g9ea38560 2nd stage bootloader[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (31) boot: compile time 15:36:32[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (31) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (37) boot: SPI Speed      : 40MHz[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (41) boot: SPI Mode       : DIO[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (45) boot: SPI Flash Size : 4MB[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (49) boot: Partition Table:[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (52) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (60) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00006000[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (67) boot:  1 phy_init         RF data          01 01 0000f000 00001000[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (75) boot:  2 factory          factory app      00 00 00010000 00100000[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (82) boot:  3 storage          Unknown data     01 81 00110000 00200000[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (90) boot: End of partition table[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (94) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x067cc ( 26572) map[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (112) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x000167f4 vaddr=0x3ffb0000 size=0x021b0 (  8624) load[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (116) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x000189ac vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x00400 (  1024) load[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (121) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x00018db4 vaddr=0x40080400 size=0x0725c ( 29276) load[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (141) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00020018 vaddr=0x400d0018 size=0x14494 ( 83092) map[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (171) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x000344b4 vaddr=0x4008765c size=0x01764 (  5988) load[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (173) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=0x00035c20 vaddr=0x400c0000 size=0x00000 (     0) load[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (183) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (183) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (189) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (193) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40080e5c[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (203) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (210) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (216) heap_init: At 3FFB31A0 len 0002CE60 (179 KiB): DRAM[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (222) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (229) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (235) heap_init: At 40088DC0 len 00017240 (92 KiB): IRAM[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (241) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (259) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (261) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=2[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25][0;32mI (261) I2S: PLL_D2: Req RATE: 48000, real rate: 100000.000, BITS: 16, CLKM: 10, BCK: 5, MCLK: 10.417, SCLK: 3200000.000000, diva: 64, divb: 26[0m
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]3d e6 00 00 f1 8d 00 80 
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]05 8a 64 82 10 88 8c 85 
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]6f 87 a9 86 3d 87 03 87 
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]2f 87 1e 87 2a 87 26 87 
[2018-06-11_21:40:25]29 87 28 87 29 87 29 87 
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[2018-06-11_21:40:26]29 87 29 87 29 87 29 87 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]29 87 29 87 45 87 29 87 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]ba 17 da c0 0b 07 7c fa 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]cf 03 25 00 e1 02 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]a6 02 6d 02 97 02 8d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]98 02 93 02 9a 02 98 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]9b 02 9d 02 9c 02 9d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]9c 02 99 02 99 02 97 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]99 02 99 02 9b 02 9b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]9d 02 9e 02 a1 02 a4 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]a3 02 a4 02 a4 02 a1 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]a1 02 a4 02 a4 02 a5 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]a8 02 a5 02 b0 02 ab 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]b3 02 b1 02 b4 02 b2 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]b7 02 b2 02 bd 02 b7 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]c5 02 bd 02 cb 02 c6 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]cd 02 cc 02 cf 02 cc 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]cc 02 ce 02 d1 02 cf 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]d2 02 cf 02 d5 02 d3 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]d8 02 d9 02 de 02 da 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]df 02 de 02 df 02 e1 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]e1 02 e1 02 e4 02 e4 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]e9 02 ea 02 ee 02 eb 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]f3 02 f2 02 f8 02 f8 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]fc 02 fd 02 ff 02 ff 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]04 03 05 03 0a 03 08 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]13 03 0e 03 14 03 11 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]1a 03 15 03 1e 03 17 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]27 03 1c 03 2b 03 21 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]2c 03 25 03 2e 03 2b 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]2e 03 2c 03 32 03 2e 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]33 03 32 03 35 03 34 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]38 03 37 03 40 03 3c 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]45 03 42 03 4a 03 48 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]4e 03 4c 03 54 03 50 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]56 03 57 03 58 03 56 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]5c 03 57 03 5f 03 5d 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]65 03 63 03 6b 03 67 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]70 03 6d 03 74 03 75 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]79 03 77 03 7d 03 7c 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]81 03 7d 03 84 03 7f 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]88 03 86 03 8e 03 8d 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]93 03 94 03 97 03 97 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]9e 03 9d 03 a8 03 a0 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]a9 03 a4 03 af 03 ac 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]b4 03 ad 03 b8 03 b2 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]bb 03 b7 03 c3 03 bf 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]cb 03 c5 03 d0 03 cf 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]d6 03 d3 03 d5 03 d3 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]d9 03 d6 03 db 03 d6 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]e1 03 de 03 e8 03 e5 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]ef 03 ea 03 f3 03 ef 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]f7 03 f4 03 f9 03 f7 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]fe 03 f9 03 04 04 fe 03 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]08 04 04 04 0e 04 0a 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]13 04 11 04 17 04 17 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]1f 04 1a 04 23 04 20 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]27 04 21 04 28 04 23 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]2a 04 27 04 2f 04 2d 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]36 04 31 04 3b 04 37 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]41 04 3d 04 47 04 41 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:26]4b 04 48 04 52 04 4d 04 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 ff 01 ff 01 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 fe 01 fc 01 fc 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 fb 01 fa 01 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fc 01 fc 01 fc 01 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 00 02 fe 01 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 04 02 fe 01 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fc 01 ff 01 fb 01 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 02 02 fa 01 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 01 02 ff 01 01 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]03 02 04 02 06 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 09 02 0a 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0a 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 07 02 08 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]06 02 08 02 06 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0d 02 0a 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0d 02 09 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 0c 02 09 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 0b 02 07 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]06 02 0a 02 0b 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0e 02 0a 02 0f 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0e 02 0c 02 0f 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0f 02 0b 02 09 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 08 02 08 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0c 02 0a 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 09 02 0a 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 07 02 05 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0a 02 0d 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0e 02 0c 02 09 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 03 02 07 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 03 02 07 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 05 02 08 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 08 02 0b 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 0e 02 06 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 06 02 05 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 08 02 02 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 07 02 03 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]03 02 06 02 05 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 05 02 0b 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 0d 02 0a 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0c 02 08 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]06 02 08 02 03 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 05 02 ff 01 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 ff 01 fe 01 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 fe 01 00 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 00 02 01 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 fe 01 fa 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f7 01 f6 01 f4 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f5 01 f5 01 f7 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f6 01 f5 01 f8 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 f9 01 ff 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 fc 01 04 02 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]00 02 fb 01 fa 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f9 01 f9 01 fb 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 fb 01 fa 01 fc 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 fb 01 fe 01 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 00 02 fd 01 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 fd 01 01 02 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]00 02 fe 01 00 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 00 02 01 02 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 ff 01 fb 01 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 00 02 fd 01 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fa 01 ff 01 fc 01 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 ff 01 00 02 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 fd 01 ff 01 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 fd 01 04 02 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 00 02 02 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 fb 01 fd 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 f9 01 fa 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fc 01 fa 01 fc 01 fc 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]00 02 fd 01 00 02 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 fe 01 02 02 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 ff 01 03 02 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 04 02 05 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 06 02 03 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 00 02 02 02 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 05 02 09 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 05 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]06 02 07 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 06 02 0b 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 07 02 05 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 07 02 01 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 03 02 00 02 01 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 ff 01 fe 01 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 ff 01 00 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 fe 01 fe 01 fb 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 f9 01 fa 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f7 01 fa 01 f7 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f5 01 f9 01 f4 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f2 01 f3 01 f3 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ee 01 f2 01 ee 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 f1 01 f6 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f7 01 f3 01 f5 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 f4 01 f1 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f4 01 f8 01 f5 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f4 01 f8 01 f6 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f6 01 fa 01 f6 01 fb 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f4 01 f8 01 f1 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f0 01 f2 01 f1 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f3 01 f2 01 f2 01 ef 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f0 01 eb 01 ef 01 ea 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 ed 01 f3 01 ed 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 ee 01 ef 01 ee 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 ef 01 f3 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f3 01 f2 01 f9 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fc 01 f9 01 fa 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f8 01 fc 01 f7 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f9 01 fa 01 fa 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fc 01 fb 01 fd 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]00 02 fd 01 02 02 ff 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]03 02 02 02 0a 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 08 02 0d 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 0c 02 0c 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 0a 02 09 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 0c 02 05 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 05 02 06 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 06 02 08 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 08 02 09 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 0b 02 0b 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 08 02 0c 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0d 02 0b 02 0d 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0b 02 0f 02 06 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 08 02 09 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0d 02 0c 02 0e 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0f 02 18 02 11 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]11 02 14 02 11 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]10 02 11 02 11 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]15 02 14 02 12 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]12 02 13 02 10 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]10 02 0e 02 10 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]12 02 11 02 0f 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0b 02 06 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 07 02 09 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 08 02 0a 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 09 02 09 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 09 02 08 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 06 02 08 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 06 02 08 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 04 02 02 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 fd 01 03 02 00 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 01 02 02 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 01 02 02 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 05 02 05 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 06 02 06 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 0a 02 04 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 06 02 0a 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0b 02 0b 02 0a 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 09 02 08 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]08 02 08 02 09 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 02 02 07 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 06 02 04 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 0a 02 02 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 0c 02 07 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]09 02 0a 02 08 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 0d 02 0a 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0b 02 0c 02 0b 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 0a 02 0e 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0e 02 08 02 0f 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0e 02 09 02 10 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]10 02 09 02 0d 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]10 02 0d 02 14 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]17 02 11 02 18 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]18 02 12 02 19 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]17 02 14 02 12 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]13 02 12 02 11 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]10 02 11 02 10 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0a 02 0e 02 09 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 0d 02 05 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 06 02 ff 01 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]ff 01 00 02 00 02 01 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 ff 01 05 02 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 03 02 0a 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0c 02 08 02 0c 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]0b 02 0d 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]03 02 04 02 04 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]05 02 05 02 04 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]06 02 03 02 03 02 02 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]04 02 03 02 05 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]07 02 04 02 04 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]02 02 08 02 03 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]01 02 05 02 01 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 00 02 f9 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f9 01 f9 01 f9 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 f8 01 fd 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 fe 01 fd 01 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 ff 01 fa 01 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 fe 01 fb 01 fc 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 fc 01 fd 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f5 01 f6 01 f2 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f0 01 f6 01 f2 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f7 01 f7 01 fc 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fe 01 ff 01 ff 01 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f9 01 fb 01 f9 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 f4 01 fb 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f9 01 f7 01 f8 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f8 01 f7 01 f7 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f8 01 f9 01 f8 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fa 01 f9 01 fa 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fa 01 fa 01 f7 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f7 01 f5 01 f4 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f3 01 f5 01 f4 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f1 01 f6 01 f0 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f0 01 f1 01 f2 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f3 01 f4 01 f6 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f5 01 f5 01 f8 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fd 01 f8 01 fe 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]fb 01 f8 01 f7 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:27]f3 01 f6 01 f4 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f7 01 f9 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f8 01 f9 01 f9 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f7 01 f9 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f5 01 f4 01 f2 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]ed 01 f2 01 ee 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f0 01 f3 01 ef 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f1 01 f1 01 ef 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f2 01 f3 01 f6 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f2 01 f3 01 ef 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f0 01 f5 01 f0 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f1 01 f5 01 ee 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]ee 01 f2 01 f3 01 f1 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f2 01 fb 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fa 01 f7 01 fb 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fb 01 fa 01 ff 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]00 02 fa 01 fc 01 fb 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fb 01 fb 01 f8 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f7 01 f9 01 f5 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f5 01 f6 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f9 01 f7 01 f9 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f7 01 f8 01 f5 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f5 01 f5 01 f5 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f7 01 f9 01 fb 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f7 01 f9 01 f7 01 f8 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f7 01 f5 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f4 01 f5 01 f6 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f7 01 f6 01 f6 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f4 01 f4 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f3 01 f3 01 f6 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f4 01 f8 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f9 01 f8 01 fc 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fd 01 ff 01 fd 01 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]ff 01 fc 01 ff 01 fe 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fc 01 fc 01 fd 01 f9 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fb 01 f8 01 f7 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f5 01 f8 01 f0 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f2 01 f6 01 f4 01 f3 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f2 01 f1 01 f3 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f5 01 f3 01 fa 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fa 01 f8 01 fb 01 f6 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f9 01 f7 01 fc 01 f7 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f9 01 f4 01 f9 01 f5 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f4 01 f4 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f3 01 f2 01 f7 01 f2 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]f6 01 f2 01 f7 01 f4 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fb 01 f8 01 fc 01 fa 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fa 01 fe 01 fc 01 fc 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:28]fe 01 fc 01 fe 01 fd 01 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 18 02 16 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 17 02 14 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0d 02 0e 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 12 02 0e 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 10 02 0f 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0c 02 0c 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 0b 02 0b 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 07 02 09 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0c 02 0e 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0b 02 0a 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]06 02 06 02 06 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]03 02 03 02 01 02 03 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]01 02 04 02 06 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]07 02 05 02 05 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]05 02 0b 02 05 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]03 02 07 02 02 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]04 02 05 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 0a 02 09 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 0a 02 07 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 06 02 07 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 09 02 0b 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 07 02 07 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 09 02 0d 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 09 02 0b 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0e 02 0e 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 10 02 0f 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 10 02 0e 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0e 02 0d 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 11 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 11 02 12 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 13 02 14 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 12 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 0e 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0e 02 0e 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 0e 02 14 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 13 02 12 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 15 02 12 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 11 02 0d 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 0f 02 0b 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0a 02 10 02 0d 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 12 02 0f 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 0e 02 13 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 0e 02 11 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0f 02 12 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0e 02 10 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0a 02 12 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 10 02 18 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1a 02 17 02 1a 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 18 02 19 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 19 02 16 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 16 02 16 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 1a 02 1d 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1e 02 1d 02 22 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]20 02 20 02 1f 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1b 02 1a 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1b 02 1c 02 18 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1b 02 1d 02 1a 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 19 02 12 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 13 02 13 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 12 02 13 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 14 02 14 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 17 02 15 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 15 02 15 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 16 02 12 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 14 02 10 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 14 02 17 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 17 02 18 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 19 02 15 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 14 02 0f 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 12 02 10 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 14 02 13 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 16 02 15 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 1b 02 17 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 18 02 14 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 15 02 16 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 18 02 11 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 11 02 11 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 0f 02 15 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 11 02 13 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 11 02 0f 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 0f 02 0e 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 11 02 16 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 1a 02 19 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 18 02 12 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 13 02 15 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 18 02 1b 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 18 02 18 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 17 02 17 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 18 02 16 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 15 02 15 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 13 02 17 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 15 02 16 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 1b 02 16 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 1b 02 16 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 17 02 14 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 14 02 12 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 11 02 12 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 0f 02 10 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 10 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0d 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 0e 02 0e 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 0c 02 0e 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0e 02 10 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 0d 02 0d 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0f 02 09 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]06 02 06 02 03 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]03 02 04 02 03 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]03 02 0a 02 06 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 0a 02 0b 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 06 02 05 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]05 02 04 02 06 02 05 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]04 02 05 02 06 02 04 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]06 02 05 02 09 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 0b 02 08 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 0c 02 09 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]06 02 0c 02 04 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]06 02 08 02 05 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]05 02 0c 02 08 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 09 02 09 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 08 02 0c 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 08 02 0d 02 06 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 07 02 0d 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 0f 02 0e 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 13 02 08 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]08 02 09 02 0b 02 09 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 09 02 11 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 0e 02 16 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 12 02 0f 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 13 02 10 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 13 02 0e 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 15 02 15 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 17 02 19 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 19 02 1a 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1a 02 18 02 16 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 14 02 14 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 14 02 15 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 16 02 11 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 10 02 11 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0c 02 10 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0b 02 0c 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 0a 02 10 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 0a 02 13 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 12 02 13 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 11 02 10 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0f 02 0f 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 0e 02 13 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 0e 02 17 02 0e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 11 02 13 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 11 02 10 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 0c 02 07 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0a 02 0a 02 0b 02 0a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 0b 02 0d 02 0b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 10 02 0e 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 10 02 0d 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 10 02 13 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 12 02 16 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 11 02 17 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 16 02 1b 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1b 02 18 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 18 02 18 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 19 02 1d 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1c 02 21 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]24 02 1f 02 26 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]26 02 20 02 26 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]24 02 21 02 1e 02 20 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1e 02 1f 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1e 02 1d 02 1e 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1d 02 1f 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]21 02 1f 02 21 02 22 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]24 02 27 02 26 02 26 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]27 02 29 02 29 02 2a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]27 02 26 02 24 02 24 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]23 02 24 02 23 02 27 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]27 02 25 02 28 02 28 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]26 02 28 02 27 02 28 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]27 02 26 02 28 02 2a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]25 02 2a 02 24 02 2a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]21 02 24 02 20 02 24 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1f 02 22 02 1c 02 21 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 22 02 1f 02 24 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]20 02 26 02 25 02 26 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]25 02 26 02 23 02 23 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]21 02 1f 02 1f 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1e 02 1e 02 1d 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1a 02 18 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 19 02 19 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1b 02 1b 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 13 02 1a 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1e 02 19 02 22 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]23 02 1e 02 22 02 20 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]21 02 21 02 22 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1f 02 1b 02 1b 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1a 02 18 02 1a 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1b 02 1b 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1b 02 1a 02 17 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 19 02 16 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 18 02 1b 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1a 02 19 02 19 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 17 02 1e 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1e 02 1e 02 20 02 1e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1f 02 1e 02 1f 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1f 02 1c 02 1e 02 1e 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]21 02 1e 02 1f 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1f 02 1f 02 21 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1f 02 22 02 20 02 22 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]20 02 21 02 1d 02 1f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1d 02 1c 02 1b 02 19 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 17 02 1a 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 16 02 1c 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1a 02 1c 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1b 02 1b 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 19 02 17 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 17 02 16 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 17 02 17 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 1b 02 17 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 19 02 1a 02 1a 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1a 02 1d 02 1b 02 1c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]15 02 18 02 14 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 14 02 16 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 18 02 16 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 17 02 1b 02 17 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]19 02 17 02 16 02 18 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 16 02 11 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 12 02 12 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 13 02 14 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 15 02 15 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 13 02 11 02 12 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 10 02 0e 02 0c 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 0b 02 0a 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0a 02 0c 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0d 02 10 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 11 02 0b 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0b 02 0b 02 09 02 07 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]09 02 0a 02 0e 02 08 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]11 02 0c 02 14 02 0d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]12 02 10 02 13 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 0e 02 11 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 11 02 16 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 14 02 17 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 16 02 19 02 16 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]1c 02 1b 02 1d 02 1d 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]18 02 1e 02 19 02 1b 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 14 02 17 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 15 02 19 02 15 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]17 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]14 02 12 02 15 02 10 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]16 02 13 02 16 02 14 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]13 02 17 02 12 02 13 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]10 02 15 02 0c 02 11 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0c 02 11 02 0d 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0f 02 0e 02 0e 02 0f 02 
[2018-06-11_21:40:29]0e 02 0d 02 0d 02 0f 02 
If someone familar with PDM, please advice how to work with it.

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Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby fly135 » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:24 pm

Not sure that this is it, but for i2s_config.communication_format I use I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S with a PDM mic and it worked.

John A

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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:49 pm

Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby newsettler_AI » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:51 am

Now I'm not sure about wiring...

I have connected microphone pins to ESP32:

VCC - 3.3V
SELECT - not connected
DATA - IO_2 (i2s_pin_config > data_in_num)
CLOCK - IO_4 (i2s_pin_config > ws_io_num)

Is it mandatory to connect SELECT in case I use only I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_RIGHT / I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_LEFT options in config?

Code: Select all

void ICS41350_i2s_init()
	 int i2s_num = 0;
	 i2s_config_t i2s_config = {
        .mode = I2S_MODE_MASTER | I2S_MODE_RX |I2S_MODE_PDM,
        .sample_rate =  48000,
        .bits_per_sample = 16,
	.communication_format = I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S,
        .channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_RIGHT,
        .dma_buf_count = 2,
        .dma_buf_len = 1024

	 i2s_pin_config_t pin_config = {
	    .ws_io_num   = ICS41350_PIN_CLK,    // IO_4
	    .data_in_num = ICS41350_PIN_DATA, // IO_2

	 //install and start i2s driver
	 i2s_driver_install(i2s_num, &i2s_config, 0, NULL);
	 i2s_set_pin(I2S_NUM_0, &pin_config);

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Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby fly135 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:34 pm

Now I'm not sure about wiring...
It looks like you are using WS for clock. I'm thinking you should be using bck_io_num for the clock and tie the WS line on the mic to ws_io_num.

John A

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Joined: Wed May 30, 2018 11:42 am

Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby Piocky » Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:34 am

newsettler_AI wrote:Is it mandatory to connect SELECT in case I use only I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_RIGHT / I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_LEFT options in config?
I think it is. Take a look at the datasheet of the mic, even with mono, they connect the select pin with GND. I think the mic won't work (at least properly) if you don't.
fly135 wrote:It looks like you are using WS for clock. I'm thinking you should be using bck_io_num for the clock and tie the WS line on the mic to ws_io_num.
If you look at the ESP32 datasheet, it says that in PDM mode, the clock is given by ws_io instead of the usual bck, so it's actually good (it took me times to find that too).

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Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby fly135 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:50 am

Piocky wrote:If you look at the ESP32 datasheet, it says that in PDM mode, the clock is given by ws_io instead of the usual bck, so it's actually good (it took me times to find that too).
You are right! We changed from PDM to PCM in subsequent revisions and I looked at the wrong schematic. The schematic for the PDM mic has clk on ws, and the select line is tied high or low depending on L/R. Sorry for the misinformation.

John A

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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:49 pm

Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby newsettler_AI » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:11 pm

I have connected SELECT to GND and set in i2s_config.channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ALL_RIGH.
So my final settings at init are next:

Code: Select all

void ICS41350_init(void) {
  i2s_config_t i2s_config = {
    .sample_rate = 44100,
    .bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT,
    .channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ALL_RIGHT,
    .communication_format = I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S,
    .intr_alloc_flags = 0,
    .dma_buf_count = 2,
    .dma_buf_len = 128
  i2s_pin_config_t pin_config;
  pin_config.bck_io_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
  pin_config.ws_io_num = ICS41350_PIN_CLK;
  pin_config.data_out_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
  pin_config.data_in_num = ICS41350_PIN_DATA;

  i2s_driver_install(I2S_NUM_0, &i2s_config, 0, NULL);
  i2s_set_pin(I2S_NUM_0, &pin_config);
  i2s_set_clk(I2S_NUM_0, 44100, I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT, I2S_CHANNEL_MONO);
Now data is reading correctly (at least on hardware part).

Now problem is how to handle data properly with software: I have recorded 1kHZ tone from mobile phone speaker.
When I'm trying to replay it, I sounds like speeded up x4 times.

Here is output on sampling with this settings:
import settings
audio_import.jpg (23.55 KiB) Viewed 15303 times
44.1kHz spectrum
audio_analyze_44100.jpg (308.52 KiB) Viewed 15303 times
But if I change sampling ratio to 11025Hz, I got correct sound spectrum with main peak at 1kHz:
11025 Hz spectrum
audio_analyze_11025.jpg (317.4 KiB) Viewed 15302 times

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Re: PDM microphone - how properly handle data?

Postby Piocky » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:33 pm

newsettler_AI wrote:I have connected SELECT to GND and set in i2s_config.channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ALL_RIGH
Can you try I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ONLY_RIGHT instead? I'm not sure if there is really a difference, but i saw many people use only instead of all for mono settings.

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