Yes, it can, but this is a switching power supply, which is not the most recommended thing to supply power to a microcontroller, this is why an LDO is usually used to supply the voltage. Reason is mostly the stability and low ripple of an LDO.rmetzner49 wrote:To Vader_Mester:
These RECOM modules ... ND/2652147 are a great way to step down from 12V to 3.3V. With the 7-42V input range, you could use one of these with a 12V "Wall Wart" for Solenoid Power.
That should be more than enough headroom even if the solenoid takes the 12V down a ways. I've used these in many Car Projects with Arduino small (0.6" to 1.2") boards.
This Recom module should be good, if you use a 5V output variant, then after the 5V, use an LDO to supply the ESP.
I'm not making this stuff up, it's a good practice, seen in many designs. Most of the Power Management IC-s (PMIC, or PMU) use this in mind, that they have 1-2 switching converters, and 1-2 LDO-s. Switchings are good for powering up generic stuff with high current consumption (like your solenoid coil), and an LDO provide stable output for your microcontrollers.