Did you find how to fix this? I'm facing a similar problem:
Code: Select all
pulse_count.ulp.S:38: Error: syntax error. Input text was r1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:38: Error:
pulse_count.ulp.S:102: Error: syntax error. Input text was r2.
pulse_count.ulp.S:102: Error:
pulse_count.ulp.S:104: Error: syntax error. Input text was r1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:104: Error:
where in line 38 I have:
Code: Select all
/* Next input signal edge expected: 0 (negative) or 1 (positive) */
.global next_edge
.long 0
.long 0
/* Counter started when signal value changes.
Edge is "debounced" when the counter reaches zero. */
.global debounce_counter
.long 0
.long 0
in line 102:
Code: Select all
.global next_io
//Load io_number
move r3, io_number
add r3, r3, r1
ld r3, r3, 0
and line 104 is:
Code: Select all
/* Lower 16 IOs and higher need to be handled separately,
* because r0-r3 registers are 16 bit wide.
* Check which IO this is.
move r0, r3
any idea of what's happening?
The code it's a slightly modified version of the ulp pulse count example.
Here I leave some log printed when trying to compile using idf.py:
Code: Select all
cd /home/pablo/Project/Firmware/build/esp-idf/components/ulp_components && /usr/bin/cmake --build /home/pablo/Project/Firmware/build/esp-idf/components/ulp_components --target build
[1/9] Generating esp32.ulp.ld
[2/9] Generating pulse_count.ulp.S
[3/9] Generating wake_up.ulp.S
[4/9] Building ASM object CMakeFiles/ulp_components.dir/wake_up.ulp.S.obj
[5/9] Building ASM object CMakeFiles/ulp_components.dir/pulse_count.ulp.S.obj
FAILED: CMakeFiles/ulp_components.dir/pulse_count.ulp.S.obj
-o CMakeFiles/ulp_components.dir/pulse_count.ulp.S.obj
-c pulse_count.ulp.S
pulse_count.ulp.S: Mensajes del ensamblador:
pulse_count.ulp.S:38: Error: syntax error. Input text was r1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:38: Error:
pulse_count.ulp.S:93: Error: syntax error. Input text was r1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:93: Error:
pulse_count.ulp.S:102: Error: syntax error. Input text was r2.
pulse_count.ulp.S:102: Error:
pulse_count.ulp.S:104: Error: syntax error. Input text was r1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:104: Error:
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
[594/1248] Building C object esp-idf/nghttp/CMakeFi.../__idf_nghttp.dir/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.c.obj
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
ninja failed with exit code 1
I tried changing the code back as it was and compiled, so I can assume that the problem is in the code.
Here I leave my code, being honest I can't find the error:
Code: Select all
/* ULP assembly files are passed through C preprocessor firST, so include directives
AND C macros may be used in these files
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"
#include "soc/rtc_io_reg.h"
#include "soc/soc_ulp.h"
/* Define variables, which go into .bss section (zero-initialized data) */
/* All variables are arrays where [0] are for IN0 AND [1] for IN1 */
/* Next input signal edge expected: 0 (negative) or 1 (positive) */
.global next_edge
.long 0
.long 0
/* Counter STarted when signal value changes.
Edge is "debounced" when the counter reaches zero. */
.global debounce_counter
.long 0
.long 0
/* Value to which debounce_counter gets reset.
Set by the main program. */
.global debounce_max_count
.long 0
.long 0
/* Total number of signal edges acquired */
.global edge_count
.long 0
.long 0
/* Number of edges to acquire before waking up the SoC.
Set by the main program. */
.global edge_count_to_wake_up
.long 0
.long 0
/* RTC IO number used to sample the input signal.
Set by main program. */
.global io_number
.long 0
.long 0
//En que pin se debe contar pulsos:
//Input_0 = 0b0000
//Input_1 = 0b0001
//Both = 0b001X
.global pulse_cnt_pin
.long 0
//Code goes into .text section
.global entry
//Reviso que pin debe contar pulsos
MOVE R3, pulse_cnt_pin //Se carga la direccion de pulse_cnt_pin en R3
LD R1, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de pulse_cnt_pin en R1
AND R1, R1, 0x0003 //Me quedo con los ultimos dos BIT (describen que entradas ver)
MOVE R0, 2
JUMPR next_io, R1, gt //Si R1<2, solo leo ese pin
MOVE R1, 1 //En R1>=2 tengo que leer ambas entradas, se re evalua al final
.global next_io
//Load io_number
MOVE R3, io_number //Guardo la direccion del io_number a leer en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R3, R3, 0 //Cargo lo que eSTa en esa direccion y remplazo R3
/* Lower 16 IOs AND higher need to be hANDled separately,
* because R0-R3 regiSTers are 16 bit wide.
* Check which IO this is.
MOVE R0, R3 //Se copia el valor de R3 en R0
//Read the value of lower 16 RTC IOs into R0
RSH R0, R0, R3 //Se coloca en la posicion 0 el bit de interes
AND R0, R0, 1 //Se filtra el BIT0 del regiSTro R0
//STate of input changed?
//Load next_edge
MOVE R3, next_edge //Se carga la direccion de next_edge
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R3, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de next_edge en R3
ADD R3, R0, R3 //Se suman R0 y R3 y se guarda en R3
AND R3, R3, 1 //Se filtra el BIT0 del regiSTro R3
JUMP changed, eq //JUMP if laST ALU operation result was zero
//Not changed: Reset debounce_counter to debounce_max_count
MOVE R3, debounce_max_count //Se carga la direccion de debounce_max_count en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
MOVE R2, debounce_counter //Se carga la direccion de debounce_counter en R2
ADD R2, R2, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R3, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de debounce_max_count
ST R3, R2, 0 //Se guarda el valor de debounce_max_count en debounce_counter
/* End program */
JUMP check_end
.global changed
//Input STate changed
//Has debounce_counter reached zero?
MOVE R3, debounce_counter //Se carga la direccion de debounce_counter en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R2, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de debounce_counter en R2
ADD R2, R2, 0 //dummy ADD to use "JUMP if ALU result is zero"
JUMP edge_detected, eq //Si el debounce counter llego a cero, aumento la cantidad de flancos (edge_detected)
//Si aun no, eSToy en ventANDa de rebote: decremento el contador.
SUB R2, R2, 1
ST R2, R3, 0
//End program
JUMP check_end
.global edge_detected
//Reset debounce_counter to debounce_max_count
MOVE R3, debounce_max_count //Se carga la direccion de debounce_max_count en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
MOVE R2, debounce_counter //Se carga la direccion de debounce_counter en R2
ADD R2, R2, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R3, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de debounce_max_count
ST R3, R2, 0 //Se guarda el valor de debounce_max_count en debounce_counter
//Cambio next_edge para esperar el proximo flanco
MOVE R3, next_edge //Se carga la direccion de next_edge en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R2, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de next_edge en R2
ADD R2, R2, 1 //Se le suma 1 a R2
AND R2, R2, 1 //Se filtra el BIT0 de R2
ST R2, R3, 0 //Se guarda el valor de R2 en next_edge
//Aumento la cuenta de flancos
MOVE R3, edge_count //Se carga la direccion de edge_count
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R2, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de edge_count en R2
ADD R2, R2, 1 //Le sumo 1
ST R2, R3, 0 //Se guarda el valor de R2 en edge_count
//Si llego cierta cantidad de flancos, despierto el dispositivo (necesario(?))
MOVE R3, edge_count_to_wake_up //
LD R3, R3, R1 //
SUB R3, R3, R2 //
JUMP wake_up, eq //
//Not yet. End program
//JUMP check_end
.global check_end
MOVE R3, pulse_cnt_pin //Se carga la direccion de pulse_cnt_pin en R3
LD R2, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de pulse_cnt_pin en R2
AND R2, R2, 0x0003 //Me quedo con los ultimos dos BIT (describen que entradas ver)
MOVE R0, 2 //Se carga el valor 2 en R0
JUMPR end_ulp, R2, gt //Si R2 < 2(R0), termino el programa
MOVE R0, 1 //Si se leen ambos pines tengo que revisar cual fue el ultimo que lei
JUMPR end_ulp, R1, gt //Si el ultimo que lei fue [0] termino el programa
MOVE R1, 0 //Si el ultimo fue [1], cambio el pin a revisar [1]-->[0]
JUMP next_io //Una vez cambiado el puntero, ejecuto la rutina nuevamente
.global end_ulp
HALT //Sino termino
The idea is to count pulses in two inputs (configurable: just one, the other or both) so the program checks wich input has to read and count pulses and then goes to sleep.
I would appreciate if someone finds where the error.
PS: there are some comments (in spanish) just ignore them, they are more likely to help newbies understand how ULP programming works
I found my mistake, on JUMPR instruction I compare R0 with another RX register (which I tought I could) I'll try to change the conditions a bit in order to make it work only with R0, yet I think it would be awesome to compare between registers directly.
After changing them it remain a single error:
Code: Select all
pulse_count.ulp.S:93: Error: syntax error. Input text was R1.
pulse_count.ulp.S:93: Error:
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Which correspond to:
Code: Select all
//Cuando inicio el programa empiezo por el lugar [0]
//La segunda vuelta paso al lugar [1] y termino el programa
.global entry
//Reviso que pin debe contar pulsos
MOVE R3, pulse_cnt_pin //Se carga la direccion de pulse_cnt_pin en R3
LD R1, R3, 0 //Se carga el valor de pulse_cnt_pin en R1
AND R1, R1, 0x0003 //Me quedo con los ultimos dos BIT (describen que entradas ver)
JUMPR next_io, 2, lt //Si R1<2, solo leo ese pin
MOVE R2, 1 //En R1>=2 tengo que leer ambas entradas, se re evalua al final
.global next_io
//Load io_number
MOVE R3, io_number //Guardo la direccion del io_number a leer en R3
ADD R3, R3, R1 //Avanzo "el puntero" a la posicion que corresponda
LD R3, R3, 0 //Cargo lo que esta en esa direccion y remplazo R3
And I can't find what's the problem.
By the way I have the next question: there are "negative" values with the ulp? does overflow flag sets when 'SUB'ing to 0?
The problem was the LD command, I was using R1 as one of the parameters, but needed a 10 bit value. Yet that would have been faster to solve if the compiler show the syntax problem closer (because it was on line 184).
Still I want to know more about how the ALU flags work, regarding whats considered an overflow and if negative number are possible to use.
Best regards,