I wonder what the expected certification process is like for using ESP32-PICO in commercial product designs. I've never seen a "SIP" IC like that before, so I don't know if it counts as a "module" or if modular certification (e.g. by Espressif) would even be possible?
So, is the intended use for high volume product (or v. small wearable), and a full RF certification will be required? And correct me if I'm wrong, but for FCC you would need to put a metal shield around the single IC anyway?
As a hypothetical, what about if the IC had a "metal can" packaging instead of the regular IC plastic packaging (as some other MEMS parts do), would it be eligible for certification without an additional shield?
What is the ESP32-PICO Product/Modular(?) RF Certification Process?
Re: What is the ESP32-PICO Product/Modular(?) RF Certification Process?
Metal shield is only required for modular certification, not single product certification. Also there is "limited modular certification" which meets some but not all of the modular requirements like having a shield. If you look through the database or at products on the market, people screw this stuff up all the time and I would not say there is strict compliance. CYW20732S is a similar device. There was an atheros chip that had a metal case like you mentioned. Right now there is no certification (modular or limited modular) for pico. Maybe the design shown here will ship sometime as module with shield: https://blog.hackster.io/introducing-th ... 476238bc07
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