store data

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Joined: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:50 pm

store data

Postby forkus2000 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:53 pm

I have two questions , please help !!!!

one : what is the better way to save data on esp32, i want to strore ssid, pass, and the days, hours,time of 20 diferents alarms, i need this values saved in eeprom because sometimes the power could be off..

two : what is the most effective and secure way to do upgrade the firmware of my esp32, can i maitain the files data saved before (point one) after the upgrade ?


Posts: 90
Joined: Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:38 am

Re: store data

Postby tele_player » Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:00 pm

I would use SPIFFS. It’s not overwritten when a new sketch is uploaded.

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