Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe)?

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Re: Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe

Postby Leitukey » Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:21 am

tele_player wrote:The originator of this thread appears to not understand that Espressif is a fabless semiconductor business. Not a maker of hobbyist kits.

There are already plenty of dev boards using ESP32, many of which work quite well on a breadboard. Serious consumers of ESP32 will design boards appropriate for a specific application, and buy modules by the thousands, tens of thousands, maybe more.

Serious tinkerers are served adequately by the common dev boards.

The criticism of Espressif's CEO is just silly.
Your comments clearly demonstrate that—at best—you probably did not carefully and thoughtfully read the comments I posted in this thread (I would guess you skimmed them) or—at worst—perhaps you deliberately misconstrued them.

Please feel free to start your own thread wherein you discuss issues you are interested in. However, if you choose to post comments any more comments to this thread please do not sidetrack the discussions in this thread by unintentionally or deliberately misrepresenting my comments (or the comments of others).

I spent much time crafting my comments this thread. I will not stand idly by and watch others casually malign them in a slipshod manner by misrepresenting them or making unsubstantiated and incredible assertions because I am hoping to continue this thread so that I can learn enough to decide definitively whether or not to use the ESP32 in a development product.

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Re: Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe

Postby tele_player » Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:39 am

No, I read every word, and disagree with your reasoning.

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Re: Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe

Postby Leitukey » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:47 am

tele_player wrote:No, I read every word, and disagree with your reasoning.
Then apparently you either did not understand what I wrote and/or deliberately misrepresented what I wrote.

As the saying goes, "Facts are stubborn things." The facts in this case are "right there in black and white." Furthermore, to properly disagree with a disputant's reasoning requires, well I am not sure how to put this to you gently. Let me think. Oh yes! I know! To properly disagree with a disputant's reasoning requires r e a s o n s.... which I realize can be pesky little things. You conveniently left out some salient reasons in your initial post when you made unsubstantiated claims attacking my carefully constructed arguments.

Some of the claims in your initial post are at the very least misleading. I would characterize them as being close to deceitful. However unless you attempt to substantiate the claims in your original post to this thread, I won't bother pillorying them.

If you do attempt to substantiate the claims in your original post to this thread please keep in mind when pointing towards the sky that that direction is normally called "up" and when pointing towards the ground that direction is normally called "down." You have demonstrated a remarkable ability to either misunderstand simple facts or to deliberately distort them.

Furthermore, please do not post unsubstantiated misleading claims to this thread. If you would like to "play fast and loose with the truth" I welcome you to start another thread in this forum.

I do not intend to respond to messages on this thread for at least 48 hours, and perhaps not until Sunday.

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Re: Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe

Postby onehorse » Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:21 am

Too bad, it is enormously entertaining!

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Re: Where can I purchase high quality ESP32 development boards with the most recent version of silicon (rev 1, I believe

Postby ESP_Sprite » Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:23 am

I think, then, that this is a good point in time to close this thread. Everyone seems to have been able to make their point here and I believe most if not all qualifying ESP32 development boards have been mentioned, so I would say the original question has been answered to close to the largest extent possible. I'd like for the conversation here not to devolve further into name calling and silly discussions, so I'm going to lock it.

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