As the app is stuck if only one core is reset, I intend to change it so that the whole cpu resets (practically making the esp32 reboot). Now from ... ual_en.pdf I read that:
The expiry action and time period for each stage can be configured individually.
If that is so where can I find the configuration? menuconfig only offers the config documented in ... /wdts.html :
But I can't find any configuration for the individual stages? Do I have to manually set some registers?CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT - the TWDT is initialized automatically during startup. If this option is disabled, it is still possible to initialize the Task WDT at runtime by calling esp_task_wdt_init().
CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT_CHECK_IDLE_TASK_CPU0 - CPU0 Idle task is subscribed to the TWDT during startup. If this option is disabled, it is still possible to subscribe the idle task by calling esp_task_wdt_add() at any time.
CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT_CHECK_IDLE_TASK_CPU1 - CPU1 Idle task is subscribed to the TWDT during startup.