UART configuration from uart event example

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UART configuration from uart event example

Postby LoewMed » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:15 pm

Hi everybody,

I would like to have some clarification concerning the use of UART event example.

I read most part of the topic concerning UART and I have some trouble for running the uart event example,

as I define UART_NUM_2 concerning the port and the
but it is not working so I tried an other configuration

and this configuration is not working neither ...

I read also that the pin 17,16 are not working with WROOM 32 breakout (the one I am using) and pins 10,9 are used by SPI flash so should not be used for uart.

I also tried an other configuration with "random" pins and it was not working neither.

So my question is : does someone has some example running over wroom 32 breakout with UART or some guru explanation why the example is not working over my board ?

btw I am using a USB/UART converter with HTerm to display the pin output

Thank you and have a nice week end

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