I designed a project using the ESP32-S3FH4R2, but I'm unable to flash any program onto it. I've attempted to download the programming via UART, but I'm encountering difficulties. I've also tried using an FTDI for communication, and while the COM port detection occurs, I'm still unable to flash the device.
Kindly locate image file.
ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
- Attachments
- Unable to flash. Kindly share your feedback.
- ESP32-S3FH4R2.PNG (97.7 KiB) Viewed 1140 times
- Posts: 9764
- Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am
Re: ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
Your image is unreadable potato quality; suggest you share it as a PDF rather than an image. Aside from that, please check the basics: are your voltage rails okay? Do you see 40MHz on the main crystal? Do you get any output on the serial port on power-on or reset?
Re: ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
I'm receiving an output voltage of 3.3V. Will it still function properly if I omit the 40MHz crystal?
- Attachments
- ESP32S3.pdf
- (383.94 KiB) Downloaded 89 times
Re: ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
If I try communicating in USB mode (using D+ and D-), I don't receive any messages from the ESP32. Even when connected in UART mode (using an FTDI programmer), the situation remains unchanged. What modifications are required to establish communication with the device?
- Posts: 9764
- Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:08 am
Re: ESP32-S3FH4R2 - Unable to flash
No. The ESP chip will fail to do anything if it can't generate a proper 40MHz sighal.
On your schematic:The values of C5 and C6 are way off. 22uF capacitors will kill the oscillation entirely; didn't you mean to put 22pF there?
(Not relevant to your booting issue, but you also want to get rid of C2. It'll stop your ESP32 from booting into your application when the device is powered on. Also, D3 seems to be unnecessary here. Also also, R16 should be a short, not a 5.1K resistor.)
ESP32-S3FH4R2 is able to flash but unable to connect to WiFi network, while Bluetooth is connecting
#include <WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "network";
const char* password = "password";
WiFiServer server(8088); // Use port 8088 for communication
void setup() {
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected with IP address: ");
void loop() {
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("New client");
String incomingData = ""; // Variable to store incoming data
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
// Read the request
incomingData = client.readStringUntil('\r');
// Discard headers for simplicity
while (client.available() && client.read() != '\n')
// Print incoming data
Serial.print("Incoming data: ");
// Check if the incoming data is an HTTP GET request with data in the URL
if (incomingData.startsWith("GET /fusion?data=") && incomingData.endsWith(" HTTP/1.1")) {
Serial.println("Detected GET request with data in URL");
// Extract the data from the URL
int dataStartIndex = incomingData.indexOf('=') + 1;
int dataEndIndex = incomingData.indexOf(" HTTP/1.1");
String data = incomingData.substring(dataStartIndex, dataEndIndex);
Serial.print("Extracted data from URL:");
// Check if the data contains temperature range information
if (data.startsWith("!RTM*") && data.endsWith(";")) {
// Extract temperature range from the data
String tempRange = data.substring(6, data.length() - 1); // Extracting "0049" from "!RTM*0049;"
int temp_thresh = tempRange.toInt(); // Convert string to integer
// Print temperature range received
Serial.print("Temperature range received: ");
// Store temperature threshold
Serial.print("Temperature threshold: ");
// Send response
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("Range for Temperature is received and stored.");
// Check if the data contains humidity range information
if (data.startsWith("!RHU*") && data.endsWith(";")) {
// Extract humidity range from the data
String humiRange = data.substring(6, data.length() - 1); // Extracting "3045" from "!RHU*3045;"
int humi_min = humiRange.substring(0, 2).toInt(); // Extract minimum humidity value
int humi_max = humiRange.substring(2).toInt(); // Extract maximum humidity value
// Print humidity range received
Serial.print("Humidity range received: ");
// Print min and max humidity
Serial.print("Min humidity: ");
Serial.print("Max humidity: ");
// Send response
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("Range for humidity is received and stored.");
// Check if the data is a request for temperature and humidity
if (data.indexOf("!CTH;") != -1) {
// Reply with temperature and humidity data
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("22.5533.55"); // Temperature
// client.println(""); // Humidity
Serial.println("Client disconnected");
#include <WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "network";
const char* password = "password";
WiFiServer server(8088); // Use port 8088 for communication
void setup() {
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected with IP address: ");
void loop() {
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("New client");
String incomingData = ""; // Variable to store incoming data
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
// Read the request
incomingData = client.readStringUntil('\r');
// Discard headers for simplicity
while (client.available() && client.read() != '\n')
// Print incoming data
Serial.print("Incoming data: ");
// Check if the incoming data is an HTTP GET request with data in the URL
if (incomingData.startsWith("GET /fusion?data=") && incomingData.endsWith(" HTTP/1.1")) {
Serial.println("Detected GET request with data in URL");
// Extract the data from the URL
int dataStartIndex = incomingData.indexOf('=') + 1;
int dataEndIndex = incomingData.indexOf(" HTTP/1.1");
String data = incomingData.substring(dataStartIndex, dataEndIndex);
Serial.print("Extracted data from URL:");
// Check if the data contains temperature range information
if (data.startsWith("!RTM*") && data.endsWith(";")) {
// Extract temperature range from the data
String tempRange = data.substring(6, data.length() - 1); // Extracting "0049" from "!RTM*0049;"
int temp_thresh = tempRange.toInt(); // Convert string to integer
// Print temperature range received
Serial.print("Temperature range received: ");
// Store temperature threshold
Serial.print("Temperature threshold: ");
// Send response
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("Range for Temperature is received and stored.");
// Check if the data contains humidity range information
if (data.startsWith("!RHU*") && data.endsWith(";")) {
// Extract humidity range from the data
String humiRange = data.substring(6, data.length() - 1); // Extracting "3045" from "!RHU*3045;"
int humi_min = humiRange.substring(0, 2).toInt(); // Extract minimum humidity value
int humi_max = humiRange.substring(2).toInt(); // Extract maximum humidity value
// Print humidity range received
Serial.print("Humidity range received: ");
// Print min and max humidity
Serial.print("Min humidity: ");
Serial.print("Max humidity: ");
// Send response
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("Range for humidity is received and stored.");
// Check if the data is a request for temperature and humidity
if (data.indexOf("!CTH;") != -1) {
// Reply with temperature and humidity data
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
client.println("22.5533.55"); // Temperature
// client.println(""); // Humidity
Serial.println("Client disconnected");
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