How can I add esp32 zigbee sdk to vscode? I tried to git clone to esp-idf directory and then with import project to import light switch example, but compile won't work. There is some common directories, but when I added those and edited cmakelists.txt accordingly, I got error for ninja. How do I get zigbee examples working in vscode?
git clone https://github.com/espressif/esp-zigbee-sdk.git
Adding esp32 zigbee sdk to vscode
Re: Adding esp32 zigbee sdk to vscode
Have you Installed the ESP-IDF Extension for VSCode?
Re: Adding esp32 zigbee sdk to vscode
Yes, I have esp-idf installed and it works. There is some zigbee examples in esp-idf which I have tried and they work. But In the zigbee sdk there is some examples which I would like to work in vscode, like temperature sensor. I tried with import and copying some directories which are needed. The last error was about ninja.
Yes, I have esp-idf installed and it works. There is some zigbee examples in esp-idf which I have tried and they work. But In the zigbee sdk there is some examples which I would like to work in vscode, like temperature sensor. I tried with import and copying some directories which are needed. The last error was about ninja.
Re: Adding esp32 zigbee sdk to vscode
直接用Vscode打开sdk内examples文件夹里边的例程,先clean,再更改 target 就可以直接编译了。
注意不要直接复制例程到其余文件夹,除非你修改了 cmakelst.txt
注意不要直接复制例程到其余文件夹,除非你修改了 cmakelst.txt
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