Node working as client and server

celia diaz
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:01 pm

Node working as client and server

Postby celia diaz » Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:59 am


I'm working on a ESP-BLE-MESH and I need for all my nodes to work as client and servers (be able to send and receive messages) , does anyone know how can I do that? I'm using the vendor model as a base.

I'm new working with Espressif, I'm sorry if this is a kinda basic question! haha


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Re: Node working as client and server

Postby chegewara » Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:04 pm

1. Yes, you can have SIG client and server model on the same node/element
2. Vendor model does not have client/server model per se
3. You can have vendor "client" and "server" model on the same node (suggesting to use 2 different elements, not needed thou)
4. You can use the same vendor model as a "client" and "server", you just have different set of opcodes for client and server

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