I'm haveing this issue - My ADC inputs seems to have a pullup at ADC inputs at my ESP32 DevKit C V4 and I'd like the them float.
I've tested ADC1_0 and ADC2_6 both inputs gives me a currentreading of 0.5 mA with a DMM set to a range of 2mA. Measuring the voltage I get 3.7 VDC. I've searched internet and it seems like this is what many users would like. Me I'm thinking of connecting a relatively high impedance sorce to the ADC input, and there fore a floating input would be aprciated.
I've used the folowing code:
Pin setup:
- #define PHOTO_ADC_INPUT 14
- gpio_reset_pin(PHOTO_ADC_INPUT);
- gpio_set_direction(PHOTO_ADC_INPUT, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);
- gpio_set_direction(PHOTO_ADC_INPUT, GPIO_FLOATING);
- //-------------ADC1 Init---------------//
- adc_oneshot_unit_handle_t adc2_handle;
- adc_oneshot_unit_init_cfg_t init_config2 = {
- .unit_id = ADC_UNIT_2,
- .ulp_mode = ADC_ULP_MODE_DISABLE,
- };
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_new_unit(&init_config2, &adc2_handle));
- //-------------ADC1 Config---------------//
- adc_oneshot_chan_cfg_t config = {
- .atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_11,
- };
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_config_channel(adc2_handle, ADC_CHANNEL_6, &config));
- static int ADC_Reading;
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_oneshot_read(adc2_handle, ADC_CHANNEL_6, &ADC_Reading));