- /*
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0
- */
- /* ULP Example: using ADC in deep sleep
- This example code is in the Public Domain (or CC0 licensed, at your option.)
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this
- software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
- CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- This file contains assembly code which runs on the ULP.
- ULP wakes up to run this code at a certain period, determined by the values
- in SENS_ULP_CP_SLEEP_CYCx_REG registers. On each wake up, the program
- measures input voltage on the given ADC channel 'adc_oversampling_factor'
- times. Measurements are accumulated and average value is calculated.
- Average value is compared to the two thresholds: 'low_thr' and 'high_thr'.
- If the value is less than 'low_thr' or more than 'high_thr', ULP wakes up
- the chip from deep sleep.
- */
- /* ULP assembly files are passed through C preprocessor first, so include directives
- and C macros may be used in these files
- */
- #include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"
- #include "soc/soc_ulp.h"
- #include "example_config.h"
- .set adc_channel, EXAMPLE_ADC_CHANNEL
- /* Configure the number of ADC samples to average on each measurement.
- For convenience, make it a power of 2. */
- .set adc_oversampling_factor_log, 0x1000
- .set adc_oversampling_factor, (1 << adc_oversampling_factor_log)
- /* Define variables, which go into .bss section (zero-initialized data) */
- .bss
- /* Low threshold of ADC reading.
- Set by the main program. */
- .global low_thr
- low_thr:
- .long 0
- /* High threshold of ADC reading.
- Set by the main program. */
- .global high_thr
- high_thr:
- .long 0
- /* Counter of measurements done */
- .global sample_counter
- sample_counter:
- .long 0
- .global last_result
- last_result:
- .long 0
- /* Code goes into .text section */
- .text
- .global entry
- entry:
- /* increment sample counter */
- move r3, sample_counter
- ld r2, r3, 0
- add r2, r2, 1
- st r2, r3, 0
- /* do measurements using ADC */
- /* r0 will be used as accumulator */
- move r0, 0
- /* initialize the loop counter */
- stage_rst
- measure:
- /* measure and add value to accumulator */
- adc r1, 0, adc_channel + 1
- add r0, r0, r1
- /* increment loop counter and check exit condition */
- stage_inc 1
- jumps measure, adc_oversampling_factor, lt
- /* divide accumulator by adc_oversampling_factor.
- Since it is chosen as a power of two, use right shift */
- rsh r0, r0, adc_oversampling_factor_log
- /* averaged value is now in r0; store it into last_result */
- move r3, last_result
- st r0, r3, 0
- /* compare with high_thr; wake up if value > high_thr */
- move r3, high_thr
- ld r3, r3, 0
- sub r3, r3, r2
- jump wake_up, ov
- /* value within range, end the program */
- .global exit
- exit:
- halt
- .global wake_up
- wake_up:
- /* Check if the system can be woken up */
- and r0, r0, 1
- jump exit, eq
- /* Wake up the SoC, end program */
- wake
- halt
- ulp_last_result &= UINT16_MAX;
- printf("Value=%d\n", ulp_last_result);
Am I doing something very obviously wrong in my assembly code? This is my first time getting my hands dirty with assembly.