CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

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CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby esp32Steve » Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:05 pm

I have the following circuit which seems to work. My question is whats the resistive load/drain on the battery, if any, that I should consider using mofsets and resistors so they battery lasts a long time.

+BAT -> A0 of ESP32. Common Grounds.

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const int analogPin = A0;

void setup() {
   //only measure during bootup, works for our use case
   int batteryValue = analogRead(analogPin);
   float batteryVoltage = batteryValue * (3.3 / 4095.0); // Convert ADC value to voltage
   Serial.print("Battery Voltage: ");
   // Configure analog pin as input with no pull-up or pull-down -- will this do it to essentially disconnect the battery from ESP32?
   pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Additional code here...
  delay(30000); // Just for demonstration, adjust as needed
My multimeter (I don't have high end sophisticated ones) shows 0uA consumption possibly because the consumption is in nA. The ESP32 is USB 5v powered. The battery, I would like to last a couple of years (non-voltage-measuring usage of battery will make it approximately last 2 years); and I want to make sure the drain, if any, when not measuring the voltage does not reduce the battery life to mere months.

Any thoughts?

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Re: CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby MicroController » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:08 pm

Will the ESP be connected to the battery while not powered?

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Re: CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby esp32Steve » Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:51 pm

When the device is not powered the only connection to ESP is +BAT to the A0 pin of ESP32 (and common ground). The battery powers another clock like chip with minute draw.

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Re: CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby MicroController » Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:10 am

That may be a problem. When provided a voltage higher than its supply voltage (= 0V when not powered) on an IO pin, the ESP may in effect try to draw power via the IO pin.

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Re: CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby esp32Steve » Thu Feb 15, 2024 6:41 pm

hmm, thats interesting. So I guess I use a MOSFET to be safe both ways (when powered or not)?

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Re: CR2032 Battery Monitoring using ESP32

Postby MicroController » Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:32 am

I guess you'll need a P-channel MOSFET to control Vbat+ into the ESP, plus an N-channel MOSFET to control the gate of the P-channel from an 'active-high' IO pin or the ESP's 3.3V supply.
Or, if possible, you can control only the GND between the ESP and the battery with an N-channel FET.

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