Troubles with Wi-Fi iPerf example

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Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:18 pm

Troubles with Wi-Fi iPerf example

Postby mike_guait32 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:27 pm

Hello everyone,

I am trying to run the iPerf example as I would need it to test a netwok including some ESP32 units. However, at the moment I am a bit lost on how to proceed after flashing the example ( ... wifi/iperf)

So, following the steps indicated in the example:

1. I configured example
2. I build the example and I am ready to run the test
3. Then, I don't understand how to go on and "Run the demo as station mode and join the target AP sta ssid password" and I currently stuck.

Thank you in advance to anyone available for some clarification!

Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:52 pm

Re: Troubles with Wi-Fi iPerf example

Postby nopnop2002 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:20 am

Code: Select all

$ flash monitor -p your_port
And type help

Code: Select all

I (750) main_task: Returned from app_main()
iperf> help
  Print the list of registered commands

  Get the current size of free heap memory

  Get minimum size of free heap memory that was available during program

  Get version of chip and SDK

  Software reset of the chip

log_level  <tag|*> <none|error|warn|debug|verbose>
  Set log level for all tags or a specific tag.
       <tag|*>  Log tag to set the level for, or * to set for all tags
  <none|error|warn|debug|verbose>  Log level to set. Abbreviated words are accepted.

deep_sleep  [-t <t>] [--io=<n>] [--io_level=<0|1>]
  Enter deep sleep mode. Two wakeup modes are supported: timer and GPIO. If no
  wakeup option is specified, will sleep indefinitely.
  -t, --time=<t>  Wake up time, ms
      --io=<n>  If specified, wakeup using GPIO with given number
  --io_level=<0|1>  GPIO level to trigger wakeup

light_sleep  [-t <t>] [--io=<n>]... [--io_level=<0|1>]...
  Enter light sleep mode. Two wakeup modes are supported: timer and GPIO.
  Multiple GPIO pins can be specified using pairs of 'io' and 'io_level'
  arguments. Will also wake up on UART input.
  -t, --time=<t>  Wake up time, ms
      --io=<n>  If specified, wakeup using GPIO with given number
  --io_level=<0|1>  GPIO level to trigger wakeup

sta  <ssid> [<pass>]
  WiFi is station mode, join specified soft-AP
        <ssid>  SSID of AP
        <pass>  password of AP

sta40  <ssid> [<pass>]
  WiFi is station mode, set protocol to bgn and cbw to 40MHz, join a specified
        <ssid>  SSID of AP
        <pass>  password of AP

stamcs89  <ssid> [<pass>]
  WiFi is station mode, set protocol to ax and mcs set to HE-MCS[0,9], join a
  specified AP
        <ssid>  SSID of AP
        <pass>  password of AP

scan  [<ssid>]
  WiFi is station mode, start scan ap
        <ssid>  SSID of AP want to be scanned

ap  <ssid> [<pass>]
  AP mode, configure ssid and password
        <ssid>  SSID of AP
        <pass>  password of AP

  query WiFi info

iperf  [-suVa] [-c <ip>] [-p <port>] [-l <length>] [-i <interval>] [-t <time>] [-b <bandwidth>]
  iperf command
  -c, --client=<ip>  run in client mode, connecting to <host>
  -s, --server  run in server mode
     -u, --udp  use UDP rather than TCP
  -V, --ipv6_domain  use IPV6 address rather than IPV4
  -p, --port=<port>  server port to listen on/connect to
  -l, --len=<length>  Set read/write buffer size
  -i, --interval=<interval>  seconds between periodic bandwidth reports
  -t, --time=<time>  time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs)
  -b, --bandwidth=<bandwidth>  bandwidth to send at in Mbits/sec
   -a, --abort  abort running iperf


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