ESP32 switching programming to regular working mode and error

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ESP32 switching programming to regular working mode and error

Postby raff5184 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:02 am

Hi, I'm having issues with changing operating modes of an ESP32 chip.
Some details: I'm using Arduino IDE, and I want to program the ESP32 and run it with my code. For now I'm using a very simple code that just prints to serial. I have access to the GPIO0 and GPIO2 and I can also manually connect them to GND or pull high if needed. The configs on the Arduino IDE are correct, I used them zillion of times with other ESP chips, on other boards and always worked.

I connect both GPIOs to GND initially so the device enters programming mode, I read the "Waiting for download" message, I upload the code from Arduino IDE. It looks like it works, I see the % of writing in progress and the "Hard resetting via RTS pin..." message a the end.
At this point, I don't see anything on the serial monitor. I am not sure how to configure the GPIOs, if I need to do anything on the reset pin and if I need to power cycle. I tried different configurations of the 2 GPIOs, from leaving them floating or grounded, and combinations. I power cycled the ESP32 too. And tried to pull the RST low. But either it re-enters programming mode or, in most cases, I get the error rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)

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