ESP32-S3 which pins can do what? And RGB 565 LCD connections/pinout?

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ESP32-S3 which pins can do what? And RGB 565 LCD connections/pinout?

Postby tvarghese7 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:22 am


New to ESP32, but have done a lot of embedded work on ST, Atmel, etc.

I have not found a good place that documents what pins I can use for what on the ESP32-S3. So that is my main question: What are restrictions on the pin functions?

I would like to drive a 320x240 LCD that does not have a frame buffer with the ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8. Thinking that RGB 565 would be fine, so I need 16 data lines and 4 control signals. Any good pointers implementing this would be greatly appreciated. In particular which pins I can use.

My current thought is to map and would like to know if this work, if not what do I need to change it to?

R0 -> IO9
R1 -> IO10
R2 -> IO11
R3 -> IO12
R4 -> IO13

G0 -> IO16
G1 -> IO17
G2 -> IO18
G3 -> IO8
G4 -> IO3
G5 -> IO46

B0 -> IO4
B1 -> IO5
B2 -> IO6
B3 -> IO7
B4 -> IO15

PCLK -> IO14
DE -> IO48

One pin for backlight PWM too.

These looked like it would route on PCB the best for my LCD and I can still use the USB.

I want to use the other pins for the USB, RS485 UART, two I2C ports, interrupt input and a WS6812 RGB LED.

Will this even work? Thanks for any help.

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Re: ESP32-S3 which pins can do what? And RGB 565 LCD connections/pinout?

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:59 pm

There's very few restrictions on pin configs, thanks to the GPIO matrix ESP32 chips have; of all the peripherals you mention, only USB can only be on two dedicated pins. Only thing you need to take care of are the pins flash is connected to as well as any strapping pins. You seem to be using GPIO46 which is a strapping pin, but adding an 10K pulldown to that should be enough to make it do the right thing on startup, aside from that, from what I can quickly see you should be all good.

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Re: ESP32-S3 which pins can do what? And RGB 565 LCD connections/pinout?

Postby tvarghese7 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:27 pm


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