I just ran into this same issue this weekend. With my config, you cannot program the esp32 while the clock (50MHz which comes from the phy) is connected to GPIO0. It is strange that this GPIO was chosen for the clock input. I'm currently (manually) killing power to the phy until the esp32 has booted. Note that the EMAC continuously resets without the clock signal applied (emac: emac reseting ....).
Another issue I'm seeing while doing a packet trace on the DHCP server is that it receives the DHCP request, responds, but the esp32 doesn't seem to get the response (based on IP zero'd out in printout of ethernet sample program). I'm digging into the library now.
I'm using the microchip LAN8720A phy ($0.94 in quantity) vs the TLK110 phy ($3.34 in quantity).
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
hiwww220 wrote:还有一个解决思路是,使用esp32自身的emac时钟,使用gpio16,不过没有官方代码,不知道如何配置
yeah - this was the plan
https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/bl ... _reg.h#L24
https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/bl ... dev.c#L104
https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/bl ... dev.c#L138
we puzzle here

there are no documents online - esp guys remain silent

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Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
I have the same problem.Now I can use GPIO16 to generate 50MHZ clk for PHY. But in new module ESP-WROVER use GPIO16 and GPIO17 for PSRAM,How disappointing!
olimex havd a new board,it use delay CMOS to deal this problem.Is there a suggested solution for Espressif ??
olimex havd a new board,it use delay CMOS to deal this problem.Is there a suggested solution for Espressif ??
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
this are 2 different things from where you speak:hfc108 wrote:I have the same problem.
Now I can use GPIO16 to generate 50MHZ clk for PHY.
But in new module ESP-WROVER use GPIO16 and GPIO17 for PSRAM,How disappointing!
olimex havd a new board,it use delay CMOS to deal this problem.Is there a suggested solution for Espressif ??
a) IO16, IO17 is used as CS and CLK for pSRAM in wrover and is not availaible for other cause it is not ledout
so you can't use IO16 as signal for your phy
b) generated clk signal for PHY on IO16 get a delay to can boot the module cause this signal goes to IO0 and is bootstrap
but use 50Mhz OSZ on board to generate 50MHz clk for phy that goes to IO0
what you want to do?
what you want to change?
best wishes

love it, change it or leave it.
love it, change it or leave it.
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
It might be possible to still provide phy clock source from esp32 using apll and i2s clk_out pin
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
Hi rudi
Now I plan to use IO0 to do it.

Now I plan to use IO0 to do it.
Re: esp32使用emac时,gpio0作为EXT_OSC_CLK,如何避免进入下载模式
i am not sure you can use IO0 for "generating" the 50Mhz signal that comes then on IO0 as PhyCLKhfc108 wrote:Hi rudi!
Now I plan to use IO0 to do it.
..but yes - IO0 is for the PHY CLK input
hope this helps
best wishe

love it, change it or leave it.
love it, change it or leave it.
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