smalles ESP32 + lowest energy consumption?

dan dyse
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smalles ESP32 + lowest energy consumption?

Postby dan dyse » Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:02 am

Hello everyone,
I am completely new to these kind of hardware. Although I have coded a little using Arduino IDE for my home solar installation (simple code that checks the current home consumption to set the appropriate inverter power).
I understand that ESP32 is the base for many devices. So for a new project I am looking for the smallest ESP32 device and one that has the lowest possible energy consumption (will be battery driven).
It actually only needs BLE to advertise (broadcast?) that its there - for as long as possible with a single battery. No need to transfer data, no wifi, no nothing.
So my question: what device can you recommend to take a look at?
Thank you very much in advance!

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Re: smalles ESP32 + lowest energy consumption?

Postby savages » Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:33 pm

Seeed Xiao ESP32C3 is a good choice. but to reduce power consumption, sleep mode is necessary.

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Re: smalles ESP32 + lowest energy consumption?

Postby MicroController » Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:06 pm

It actually only needs BLE to advertise (broadcast?) that its there - for as long as possible with a single battery. No need to transfer data, no wifi, no nothing.
Maybe look here for a comparison of different options.

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Re: smalles ESP32 + lowest energy consumption?

Postby nimeshk » Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:36 pm

I've been in a similar situation where optimizing energy usage was vital. The first step is identifying a device that meets your specific needs, which in your case is primarily BLE for broadcasting.

I'd recommend looking into the ESP32-WROOM-32 module for a project like yours. It's known for its compact size and energy efficiency, making it a suitable choice for battery-powered applications. Since you're only using BLE, you can enhance battery life by turning off other functions like WiFi, which can significantly reduce power consumption.

Refining your code to be as efficient as possible on the software side will also help conserve battery life. Additionally, I found the information at helpful for broader insights on energy efficiency. This site offers valuable tips and techniques for efficient energy management, which could benefit your ESP32 project and beyond.

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