We are trying to use ble reprovisioning for ESP32 devkit v1 and to flash the code we are using ESP-IDF v4.3.2 . Now the ESP documentation is as follows:
So for the first part we use the nvs funtions : nvs_open, nvs_erase_all, nvs_commit and nvs_close.If the provisioning state needs to be reset, any of the following approaches may be taken:
1. The associated part of NVS partition has to be erased manually
2. The main application must implement some logic to call esp_wifi_ APIs for erasing the credentials at runtime
3. The main application must implement some logic to force start the provisioning irrespective of the provisioning state
Then using esp_wifi_set_config we use an empty wifi_config_t
After that we disconnect the wifi, initialize a new provisioning configuration and start provisioning once again using wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning() and new parameter arguments required for it.
But there are errors when we flash and monitor as shown in image:
Please let us know if this approach in proper, any help is appreciated.
Thank you,