Barebones ESP32-U4WDH with separate programming board

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Barebones ESP32-U4WDH with separate programming board

Postby NuttyMonk » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:33 pm

Hi all,

i've come up with a schematic which i hope someone with more knowledge than me can check.

The idea is for an ESP32 with no external memory and not using WIFI or Bluetooth and as small a footprint as possible. To help achieve the smaller footprint i want to keep the USB connector and the USB to UART programming chip on a separate board. I'm also considering putting the 3.3V regulator chip on the Programming Board too.

I'm hoping that i can remove many of the filter elements in the schematic as it won't be necessary to prevent interference from the WIFI and Bluetooth. As i am not going to use external memory i will be able to free up more pins for normal GPIO uses.

I have some issues though. I think that the two push-buttons are for Reset and Program but i may be wrong and i'm not sure which is which. Any advice on that would be great. Also, i don't know what i should be doing with the following pins when the ESP32 Development Board is being used without the Programming Board (RTS, CTS, IO0, TXD, RXD and EN). Should any of these pins be held LOW or HIGH? I assume that i wouldn't want to let any of these pins float.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Schematic_ESP32 Devboard_2022-06-07.pdf
(137.45 KiB) Downloaded 275 times

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Re: Barebones ESP32-U4WDH with separate programming board

Postby buddika79 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:27 pm


Were you able to make this board? I have the same question.


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