Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Hans Dorn
Posts: 62
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Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby Hans Dorn » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:53 pm

Hi all

I'm wondering if there's any breadboard compatible rev.1 ("new silicon") dev boards out in the wild right now.
If there is, I'd be happy to know a source.


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Re: Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby onehorse » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:01 am

There are these:

https://www.tindie.com/products/onehors ... rod_search

They are made with ESP32-DOWDQ6 012017 PC3W29 ICs, not sure if this is rev 1 or not though.

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Re: Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby WiFive » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:24 am

No, rev 1 is 112017 or later

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rudi ;-)
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Re: Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby rudi ;-) » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:53 pm

Hans Dorn wrote:Hi all

I'm wondering if there's any breadboard compatible rev.1 ("new silicon") dev boards out in the wild right now.
If there is, I'd be happy to know a source.

to answere your question in parts:
as one and only board, and breadboard compatible i see only Nano32 - custom - with Rev1 ( 112017 .. 122017... ) and optional 128Mbit flash - no PSRAM - as only as request in limited count

as ready to go Board with Rev1 ( 112017 ) and 4MB pSRAM is Wrover-Kit V3 from espressif and you find it example here in a shop

as a Modul for a breadboard friendly wroom32 breakout, or if you have the engineering adapter for wroom32 modules there comes a wroom32 size factor with 64Mbit flash, 32Mbit pSRAM and Rev1 look like here and you will find it in this shop

but wait! do not forget the already on market OEM modul and ready available breadboard friendly adapter:
so also have a look to the W01 OEM Modul
they are available, have 64 Mbit Flash, 32Mbit pSRAM and Rev1, technical is here and you can make it breadboard friendly with they adapter you find here

you see - you have more possible ways


hope this helps

best wishes
rudi ;-)
love it, change it or leave it.

Hans Dorn
Posts: 62
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Re: Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby Hans Dorn » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:07 am


The only one that explicitly mentions rev.1 seems to be the wrover board.
Sadly, this doesn't fit my project very well, I plan on using a touch screen display.


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rudi ;-)
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Re: Looking for a ready made board with revision 1 silicon

Postby rudi ;-) » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:12 am

Hans Dorn wrote:Thx.

The only one that explicitly mentions rev.1 seems to be the wrover board.
Sadly, this doesn't fit my project very well, I plan on using a touch screen display.

the oem module from pycom have rev1 too hans.
and are available.

look here into the modul

they have 112017 and it is Rev1

best wishes
rudi ;-)
love it, change it or leave it.

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